Recent content by finesse

  1. F

    The Music Thread

    From about that same time. Two people gone too soon.
  2. F

    UNC Sports ACCT: Wake Forest Biorhythms, 2:30 Start

    Those first three sure have some different looking numbers from last night. RJ's are pretty good considering how focused they are on him .
  3. F

    UNC Sports ACCT: Wake Forest Biorhythms, 2:30 Start

    No one is is stepping up to take the pressure off him. That would help a lot.
  4. F

    UNC Sports ACCT: Wake Forest Biorhythms, 2:30 Start

    Is this game being called as strangely as it seems?
  5. F

    Off-Topic This thread is totally random

    Just put out my hummingbird feeders. Probably a little early but I think we're kinda on their way back and forth. We saw a lot of increased activity at the very end of their stay last fall. We had 5-6 at a time on the two front feeders.
  6. F

    Politics Battle over Mandatory (aka “Entitlement”) Spending

    Do you compare 90 year old cars to current ones? Or do you you figure that technological changes have made that worthless? I don't think so. How about cancer treatment? You never say anything committal but you imply a lot. Esse quam videri was not meant for people who play the fool.
  7. F

    Politics Battle over Mandatory (aka “Entitlement”) Spending

    Right, there were labor-intensive jobs in 1935 and there are labor-intensive jobs now. Any number of things contribute to life expectancy, but the fact remains that the retirement age isn't keeping pace with life expectancy. One of the dumbest comparisons ever made on this board. Most of the...
  8. F

    Politics Battle over Mandatory (aka “Entitlement”) Spending

    This is true. It's more important what the age expectancy of the group most likely to be dependent on SS rather than those with more money, better healthcare and likely less physically demanding jobs is.
  9. F

    Politics Battle over Mandatory (aka “Entitlement”) Spending

    Does that matter so much if the contributions are adjusted to compensate? I do think it's a point to consider but it's not all there is to consider.
  10. F

    Politics Battle over Mandatory (aka “Entitlement”) Spending

    I was a working carpenter until I was 64. Hadn't planned on retiring then but an essential tremor put a hitch in my giddyup. Never got bad and mostly gone away but not too conducive for woodworking.
  11. F

    Politics Battle over Mandatory (aka “Entitlement”) Spending

    Trump's going to lower that as well.
  12. F

    UNC Sports ACCT: Notre Dame Biorhythms, 2:30 Start

    Around this time of year, it seems appropriate to make one small request. I just want to win the last game we play.
  13. F

    The Music Thread

  14. F

    The Music Thread

    Could have been considerable worse.
  15. F

    Politics Political Current Events March 7-12

    I'm not against them. I just don't see the appeal. Of course, I grew up in ENC in the 60s with all the muscle cars where driving was fun.