2024 Political Polls

  • Thread starter Thread starter nycfan
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  • Politics 
I got a text today that appeared to be a poll. It wasn't. It was a solicitation from drump, begging for money.

I filled it out hoping to be able to submit, but you basically had to pay to submit.

Just look at the bullshit options for these questions.



Seems like your typical "fair and balanced" poll. Wonder if Nate Silver will pick it up?
I got a text today that appeared to be a poll. It wasn't. It was a solicitation from drump, begging for money.

I filled it out hoping to be able to submit, but you basically had to pay to submit.

Just look at the bullshit options for these questions.




These are polls that are getting included in aggregates these days. Reason being, if she wins, they can do the theft claim for chaos
The Gaza thread is starting feel lees depressing than this one. I may just have to put this thread on ignore before it convinces me not to vote because it is all pointless.
The Gaza thread is starting feel lees depressing than this one. I may just have to put this thread on ignore before it convinces me not to vote because it is all pointless.
Umm… you too depressed to vote is, in fact, their endgame. How do you think Putin kept winning election after election? They want you beaten down and dispirited. Don’t give them the satisfaction.
Umm… you too depressed to vote is, in fact, their endgame. How do you think Putin kept winning election after election? They want you beaten down and dispirited. Don’t give them the satisfaction.
Well Putin didn't even count votes... they just make shit up
Umm… you too depressed to vote is, in fact, their endgame. How do you think Putin kept winning election after election? They want you beaten down and dispirited. Don’t give them the satisfaction.
I will be voting, don't worry - if RFK wasn't being his asshole self I would have voted already. It is just depressing though that would should be a homerun, looks like a pop fly to the infield because of how horrible humanity is.
She's releasing a blitz of new ads. One tomorrow is just the words of his senior staff on why he shouldn't be president
It blows my mind that Harris is polling weaker than a couple of weeks ago, despite nothing negative happening, fund raising through the roof, and Trump has done nothing to gain momentum in any way.
i think she sucks up to him hoping to write another book.
And, imo, that's the problem with nearly all of them. Trump has been a boon to their ratings and book sales and so on, and they simply don't want it to stop. Of course conservatives will never believe it because anything remotely to the left of Fox News (or OAN or Newsmax) is considered liberal, but the ugly truth is our national news media has definitely appeared to move significantly to the right this year, more so than in almost any previous presidential campaign. There are damned few news sites that could be considered centrist, much less actually liberal. And for those who disagree please explain The NY Times endless bosiding, the WaPo hiring a former Murdoch employee, Sinclair media buying more and more local TV stations and forcing them to run pro-Trump segments, CNN catering to Frank Luntz and his bogus focus groups of "undecideds" and other favorable Trump stories, Katy Tur on MSBNC, and so on.
It blows my mind that Harris is polling weaker than a couple of weeks ago, despite nothing negative happening, fund raising through the roof, and Trump has done nothing to gain momentum in any way.
It makes sense when people had hope a few weeks ago that Harris would chart a different path forward than Biden. Since then, she has essentially said she will continue Biden’s policies (save for a more right-wing tax policy than Biden).

It’s a weird strategy considering Biden was just forced out of the race due to his unpopularity. Seems like there was a bit more to the Biden dislike than just his age.