2024 Political Polls

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I got a text today that appeared to be a poll. It wasn't. It was a solicitation from drump, begging for money.

I filled it out hoping to be able to submit, but you basically had to pay to submit.

Just look at the bullshit options for these questions.



I get several texts a day from the Trump Campaign - ever since I registered for a rally in Johnson County.

To do most anything aside from attend a rally, you have to donate or buy.
The issues section she posted on her website today is straight from the Biden-Harris campaign. She has carried over his campaign manager and much of the campaign staff.

You’re free to disagree, but I’ve watched almost every speech she’s given since her ascension to the nomination. She seems very hesitant to break from Biden, with the Gaza conflict being the most striking example.

There has been some behind the scenes stuff and tea leaves that she may have a different position on that particular issue, but that’s not evident to most voters.

I get that there is a weird dynamic in that Biden is technically her boss, but she must separate herself from him.

Besides a more conservative tax policy, as I said earlier, what has she proposed that would differ from another 4 years of Biden?
Let me know when the Bernie Bros. win a damn thing.
I think that it would be very foolish from a policy standpoint for Harris to break too far from the Biden/Harris administration. The U.S. enjoyed by far the best economic recovery in the world post-pandemic; unemployment rates are at record lows; the stock market is returning record highs; wage are growing and inflation is receding; illegal border crossings are at a four-year low; rates of viollent crime are plummeting across the country to decades-lows; there has been immense investment in infrastructure, manufacturing, rural and underserved communities, etc.; consumer spending is at an all-time high; record numbers of people are traveling for vacation; our military and geopolitical alliances are stronger than they've been at any point over the last few decades; one of our primary foreign geopolitical foes has been crippled in large part by U.S. influence and aid to Ukraine.

Why in the world would Harris try to distance herself from any of that?
Gore made that mistake in 2000. He didn't own the strong 90s economy he helped create.

There's some distance re: Gaza although it's modest.

Inflation is down, The stock market is high. Wages are now outgrowing inflation. Crud oil futures are $68/ga. Interest rates are being cut. Own it.
Let’s just step back from the polling for a second. Nate’s model just gave Trump his highest odds of winning at any point in this campaign — EVER. Higher than after the catastrophic Biden debate. Higher than after Trump was almost assassinated. Higher than anytime in the following weeks when Biden was a dead man walking. Higher than at any point before Kamala’s recent surge.

What could possibly have happened in the last couple of weeks that would move the election so strongly in Trump’s favor? There’s literally nothing. If Kamala bombs tomorrow’s debate, that could do it. If Russia nukes Kiev, that could do it. If Covid 4.0 — The Reckoning, starts laying waste to our cities over the next couple of months, that could do it. But there’s just no reason a model should be swinging that much based on anything that has actually happened in real life.

I don’t have any beef against Silver. I agree he’s trying to do a good job. But whatever he’s picking up on now is almost certainly BS, and I don’t see any way around that.
Obviously, the RFK endorsement is one thing.

But I think the answer is simpler. When Kamala got into the race, she got a lot of the “generic” democratic vote. Generic Democrat always does better than any specific Democrat. In other words, some of the initial polls were picking up the double hater vote who knew nothing about Harris.

Since then, Republicans have been running nonstop attack ads on Kamala in swing states. As a result, she is losing some of those Generic Democrat voters.

This was always going to happen. It is now up to Kamala to win back some of those voters over the next two months or do an even better negative campaign against Trump.
Obviously, the RFK endorsement is one thing.

But I think the answer is simpler. When Kamala got into the race, she got a lot of the “generic” democratic vote. Generic Democrat always does better than any specific Democrat. In other words, some of the initial polls were picking up the double hater vote who knew nothing about Harris.

Since then, Republicans have been running nonstop attack ads on Kamala in swing states. As a result, she is losing some of those Generic Democrat voters.

This was always going to happen. It is now up to Kamala to win back some of those voters over the next two months or do an even better negative campaign against Trump.
Not sure how you can win against a side that is allowed to make things up with absolutely no repercussions or accountability.
The assholes lost 2016 and played a major part in getting us here. If they had the cojones to step up and own it, people might be more forgiving. Their shit, in fact, does stink.
This x100. If they’d just accepted that sometimes you have to vote the lesser of two “evils”, the Trump/MAGA movement could have died 8 years ago.
The assholes lost 2016 and played a major part in getting us here. If they had the cojones to step up and own it, people might be more forgiving. Their shit, in fact, does stink.
The same could be said for the smug attitude that you exude in this post. And I’d posit that this attitude was much more responsible for Hillary’s loss than Bernie Bros.

I’m glad people are still chirping about a cynical campaign tactic invented to silence any political disagreements with a seriously flawed candidate by portraying them as sexist. Clinton had the same line about “Obama Boys” in 2008.

I’m sure it will somehow be the fault of the darn Bernie Bros if Harris loses too.
This x100. If they’d just accepted that sometimes you have to vote the lesser of two “evils”, the Trump/MAGA movement could have died 8 years ago.
if you’re still talking about this shit in the year of our lord 2024, I doubt I’m going to convince you otherwise. But I’d like to at least hear a shred of evidence to support this claim.

Hillary is much more at fault for her loss than the infinitesimal number of Bernie Sanders primary voters that didn’t vote for her in the general election. Did the Bernie Bros tell her not to campaign in the Blue Wall states?
The same could be said for the smug attitude that you exude in this post. And I’d posit that this attitude was much more responsible for Hillary’s loss than Bernie Bros.

I’m glad people are still chirping about a cynical campaign tactic invented to silence any political disagreements with a seriously flawed candidate by portraying them as sexist. Clinton had the same line about “Obama Boys” in 2008.

I’m sure it will somehow be the fault of the darn Bernie Bros if Harris loses too.
And I'd posit that is BS. I voted for Hillary. I actively and vehemently pointed out the importance the election had on the make up of SCOTUS. I even pointed out the dsinformation campaign that the GOP has run against Hillary since Bill first ran and called out for some situational awareness of what we faced. What did you do?
And I'd posit that is BS. I voted for Hillary. I actively and vehemently pointed out the importance the election had on the make up of SCOTUS. I even pointed out the dsinformation campaign that the GOP has run against Hillary since Bill first ran and called out for some situational awareness of what we faced. What did you do?
I was 17 years old and couldn’t vote at the the time, but I did work the polls in 2016.

Regardless of what you or I did individually, it’s more helpful to look at what Bernie and his voters did as a whole.

Surveys post-2016 show that between 6-12% of Bernie primary voters ended up voting for Trump in the general election. Meanwhile, polls after the 2008 election show that as a many as 24% of Clinton primary voters voted for McCain the general election.

In the last two months of 2016, Sanders appeared in 39 rallies over 13 states in support of Clinton. Hell, before Bernie even jumped into the primary, a Gallup poll found that 38% of Democrats wanted someone other than Clinton to run.

Did Bernie have some vitriolic supporters online? Yep. Did those dudes swing the election to Trump? No way.

It makes a certain amount of sense for Clinton to blame Bernie, but it doesn’t make sense for regular Democratic voters to continue and repeat this lie 8 years later.
I bet if you asked that 47% which of Harris' policies they consider "too progressive" most of them couldn't do it. Or they would ascribe a position to her that is false because they get their news from liars.
There is a fair criticism tied to her actual policy statements. The 2020 primary was a pretty liberal / progressive primary by all accounts. Harris took some positions out of political expediency that she now has to backtrack on.

It’s not absurd to look at her previously stated policy positions and argue that she (as a national candidate) was fairly progressive. What is absurd is the Donald has literally been all over the map himself in every issue under the sun…but it’s Harris who will get banged for changing her mind.

Some of this is the inevitable fact she is minority women with a “funny” name. Some of it is good messaging by Rs.

I mean the populists in this election are not the first-generation prosecutor and social studies teacher/football coach. It is the second generation real estate tycoon and made-good Yalie venture capitalist. So we are through the looking glass…