2024 Political Polls

  • Thread starter Thread starter nycfan
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Continually unsurprised but shocked at the margins ttump continues to hold with veterans. The sniveling scumbag has shit on vets over and over and over. I suppose it’s hard to break free from the hypermasculinity brainwashing and rural town milieu.
You have to come to some negative conclusions about the majority (over 50%) of Veterans . And yes like most of us I respect veterans and know lots of them that are swell folks . The lousy poilitical culture they exist in is weird
One of the great dichotomies of our society is that our military is trained to defend our democracies while being basically indoctrinated in using antidemocratic methods to do so. Even the ones with college educations get a dose of that by the type of education they pursue if not family tradition. Since you actually can't debate orders, question higher authority, etc. in most circumstances, it can't be much other way. It does cause an adjustment when they become or resume the function of citizens when voting. They are going to tend toward authoritarian figures, be less inclined to ask questions and more likely to rationalize more active interference, privately, nationally and internationally. With their background, it's not surprising to me that they have a strong Republican lean.
One of the great dichotomies of our society is that our military is trained to defend our democracies while being basically indoctrinated in using antidemocratic methods to do so. Even the ones with college educations get a dose of that by the type of education they pursue if not family tradition. Since you actually can't debate orders, question higher authority, etc. in most circumstances, it can't be much other way. It does cause an adjustment when they become or resume the function of citizens when voting. They are going to tend toward authoritarian figures, be less inclined to ask questions and more likely to rationalize more active interference, privately, nationally and internationally. With their background, it's not surprising to me that they have a strong Republican lean.
My father served twice-Regular Navy in post war occupation duty in Japan and then in Korea in the Guard . He grew up in a pretty conservative family in the South-GI Bill made it possible for him to go to College and have a" good life " . He told me he seriously considered a career in the Armed services . But he could not shake instances -in field exercises training- where the Order was to do X -and he knew Y should have been the answer . He said he would not have lasted in such an organization
My father served twice-Regular Navy in post war occupation duty in Japan and then in Korea in the Guard . He grew up in a pretty conservative family in the South-GI Bill made it possible for him to go to College and have a" good life " . He told me he seriously considered a career in the Armed services . But he could not shake instances -in field exercises training- where the Order was to do X -and he knew Y should have been the answer . He said he would not have lasted in such an organization
I was in the almost Post-Vietnam Army and served my entire enlistment (except for Basic and AIT) in Germany. I always found our field exercises somehow comforting. We practiced the same thing everytime. A slow retreat from the border with a Warsaw Pact Country. The slow retreat part being to allow for reinforcements, in strength, to arrive at the Channel Ports on mainland Europe. We would hold our fire until it was all but certain a massed tank attack on a particular point would break our lines and allow the Warsaw Pact forces to get behind us and take/close the ports. And at that point we would launch our battlefield nuclear weapons at the massed tank assault already in a NATO country. That was where every training exercise would end. It ended because we would have conclusively demonstrated where we were and Soviet tactical nuclear weapons would be headed our way before ours even hit their massed tank columns. No real need to practice getting hit by a nuke.