2024 Presidential Election | 39 Days to Election Day

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We're getting close to a hijack, so I'll be brief.

The main purpose of books like "Heather Has Two Mommies" (that was the title that the GOP used to fixate on) isn't to recruit kids. Duh. I would have thought you would understand that by now. Rather, it's to teach other children not to ostracize other kids just because their family circumstances are different.

And maybe you think ostracizing children because of the choices of their parents is good. That's the GOP position on a number of issues (including DREAMers). I do not think that is ever the right thing to do. It doesn't matter if you approve of gay parents having children or a trans person having a child. Treating those children badly is inappropriate.

I have autistic boys. Twenty years ago, they would have been stigmatized. Remember all the jokes about "the short bus"? I guess they are still around but they are frowned on, and one reason is that schools have decided that autistic kids, while different, are just as valuable as anyone else. And the world is better for that new tolerance. My boys can't help who they are. Kids of gay parents can't help that. So libraries absolutely should have books that affirm every child's family experience.

Also, I have my suspicions that the book in question is actually written by a right-winger trying to stir the pot more than it already is.

NYT article about the presidential election in Wilson County, NC. As someone from Wilson, it’s depressing but seems about right.

Glad so many people are still voting for Trump because he’s a “business man” and because “they” tried to kill him. What a farce.
Oh absolutely, no doubt. We still have to put in the work every day, we can’t get complacent, and we have to get out the vote. No doubt about that at all. But in every possible, imaginable way I would much, much, much, much rather be in the Democrats’ position right now than the Republicans’, which is essentially a complete 180° turn from how it felt just over four weeks ago.
You are truly the Tim Walz of this board and of course I mean that as a compliment...

“An Iranian hacker group targeted the WhatsApp accounts of individuals associated with the administrations of President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, Meta announced Friday.

“This malicious activity originated in Iran and attempted to target individuals in Israel, Palestine, Iran, the United States and the UK,” the social media giant said in a statement, noting that the effort primarily focused on “political and diplomatic officials, and other public figures, including some associated with administrations of President Biden and former President Trump.”

Just last week, Google said an alleged Iranian hacking operation aimed at US presidential campaigns is ongoing and wide-ranging, after the platform announced unsuccessful attempts by hackers to log in to the email accounts of people associated with Biden, Trump, Vice President Kamala Harris and both the Democratic and Republican presidential campaigns.

On Monday, US intelligence agencies officially linked Iran to an instance of a hack and leak operationtargeting Trump’s campaign, after hackers used access to Trump operative Roger Stone’s email account to try to break into the account of another campaign official. …”

NYT article about the presidential election in Wilson County, NC. As someone from Wilson, it’s depressing but seems about right.

Glad so many people are still voting for Trump because he’s a “business man” and because “they” tried to kill him. What a farce.
Isn't it 'sposed to be Wil"t"son? And farce is innocent!
He should be fine as long as they don't have any doughnut shops or cheesesteak stands in PA.
I’d love to see videos of the all-time clumsiest pres/vp campaign stops to compare them with the doughnut shop. If I didn’t wish poorly for JD, I wouldn’t have been able to keep watching for the empathy embarrassment.
I’d love to see videos of the all-time clumsiest pres/vp campaign stops to compare them with the doughnut shop. If I didn’t wish poorly for JD, I wouldn’t have been able to keep watching for the empathy embarrassment.
I couldn't watch the whole thing. I get really bad secondhand embarrassment. I can never watch those Jackass movies or late night shows or whatever where they make things awkward or cringey. Just kills me.
She will want control of her body one day. She will read about the vile man that Donald Trump has been to women some day soon…she will know(unless you lie) that her dad supports a rapist who said “grab em by..” and creeping on young pageant girls…assuming we don’t know more about epstein.

She will know that her dad supported that guy for POTUS and I seriously doubt she’ll have the pride that Gus has for his dad.
Given just how many stories of young women losing their father to Fox News are floating around right now, I wouldn’t anticipate busy Thanksgivings in his future.
I love the way Walz super-enunciates the word "business" when he says "mind your own damn business!" and also the look on his face and the gleam/glower in his eyes when he says it...
I had some doubts about him and before the pick had wanted Kelly, but I was so wrong. He has been shockingly great, and I thought had the best convention speech (partly to do with effective delivery). It shoud not be lost as a valuable asset that is persona is just naturally funny. He captioned this, "Me with Paul Bunyan. I'm on the left."
