2024 Presidential Election | 39 Days to Election Day

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Say what you want about Trump, and Lord knows I say plenty of deservedly nasty things about him, but the man sized up Nimarata perfectly.

It wasn't just Haley he sized up perfectly, it was the entire Republican Party.

Despite all of their bluster and tough talk, he recognized that there were very, very few in the Republican Party who would stand up to a bully. And so he bullied them all and watched nearly all of them fall all over themselves to do whatever he said.

If it weren't so consequential to the present and future of our country, it would be an impressive thing to watch from a safe distance away.

While I understand how hard this must be for folks who are closely tied to Palestine, the idea that you would otherwise vote Dem but withhold your vote from Harris over the Israel/Palestine conflict is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

Even if you don't like Harris' plan, Trump will give into Israel on all fronts and likely encourage them to go further in fighting the Palestinians. At the least, Harris and a Dem-led WH will put pressure on Israel to keep negotiating and will take an active role in those negotiations with an eye toward a cease-fire and peace agreement. Trump will be completely one-sided in his support for Israel and will actively work against Palestinian interests.

If Palestine is your top issue in this election, this vote should be one of the easiest you'll ever make.
It wasn't just Haley he sized up perfectly, it was the entire Republican Party.

Despite all of their bluster and tough talk, he recognized that there were very, very few in the Republican Party who would stand up to a bully. And so he bullied them all and watched nearly all of them fall all over themselves to do whatever he said.

If it weren't so consequential to the present and future of our country, it would be an impressive thing to watch from a safe distance away.
I lived in Europe for 7 years and all my friends there and in England/Scotland are either laughing hysterically at us or are dumbfounded and rather concerned for us over here in the States.

ETA - of course I’ve been laughing at my Brit friends over Boris and Brexit. And I’ve given grief to my Italian friends for electing a female trump. But I have to hand to my Dutch, French, German and Swiss friends….
I am really not certain that keeping RFK's name on the ballot is a win for Dems. The campaigns probably know more than we do, but I fear that he will draw more disaffected black voters than Trump voters. And worse, I'd guess that the majority of the RFK black voters are very old, which is one of the most reliable Dem voting blocs around.

It seems really important to me for Kamala to reach out to the black communities and make sure everyone is aware that RFK Jr dropped out.
I think I'm beginning to get it. I never understood how reasonably well informed people could vote for Trump knowing what a threat he is. I've always told them I'm voting for the Democrat because I prefer knowing I get the chance to vote again in four years.

But they are protesting. They are not happy and figure they can register their disappointment with both parties by voting for Trump. Democrats need to wake up that they are doing something really wrong and work on their appeal.

For other, less informed voters............its simply that "hate and division" does attract their votes.
I think I'm beginning to get it. I never understood how reasonably well informed people could vote for Trump knowing what a threat he is. I've always told them I'm voting for the Democrat because I prefer knowing I get the chance to vote again in four years.

But they are protesting. They are not happy and figure they can register their disappointment with both parties by voting for Trump. Democrats need to wake up that they are doing something really wrong and work on their appeal.

For other, less informed voters............its simply that "hate and division" does attract their votes.
I dont know if democrats are really doing anything wrong, per se. We have sucked ass at messaging for decades. BUT that is getting better.
What has hurt is inflation. And people blame the government, even though the USA did way better handling it than any other country. And people are too freaking stupid to see that if anyone in government was to blame for inflation it is trump.

His most transparent statement ever was when he said he loves the uneducated. He knew he could swindle them. And he continues to do it. They have no idea he's in it for himself, will fuck over the country before he does anything for them, etc. Because....they are completely uninformed.
I think I'm beginning to get it. I never understood how reasonably well informed people could vote for Trump knowing what a threat he is. I've always told them I'm voting for the Democrat because I prefer knowing I get the chance to vote again in four years.

But they are protesting. They are not happy and figure they can register their disappointment with both parties by voting for Trump. Democrats need to wake up that they are doing something really wrong and work on their appeal.

For other, less informed voters............it’s simply that "hate and division" does attract their votes.
Far too often, the Democratic Party (and its partisans) have responded to non-voters and Trump voters with ridicule. Instead of asking: “why don’t some people vote and how do we get them to vote?”, non-voters are shamed and called stupid.

A lot of these non-voters (and Trump voters) are completely fed up with a system that hasn’t represented their interests in decades. No other way to explain two time Obama voters turned Trump voters than just as people looking for some kind of change to the system.

This is why Kamala must distinguish herself from the Biden admin. ASAP. For some reason, she has only done so by going to the right of Biden on taxes. IMO, that’s not the economic policy these types of voters are looking for.
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Very good point. I had forgotten that there are Obama voters, going to vote for Trump. Maybe their Obama vote was a bit of protest too?
Very good point. I had forgotten that there are Obama voters, going to vote for Trump. Maybe their Obama vote was a bit of protest too?
I think it was for a lot of people. His whole thing was change, after all. That sheen had worn off by 2012, of course.