2024 Presidential Election | 40 Days to Election Day

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Is 747,000 over 20 months more or less than normal? Annualized, it is roughly 5% of the total. People die, move, get convicted of felonies, or don't vote for 8 years. I just don't know if 5% a year is an unusually high total or not?

Do you know if the state reaches out to purged voters to let them know of the purging? Or do voters just get to the booth and find out they are not registered? And if that happens, are they allowed to cast provisional ballots and get unpurged or are they just turned away?
To answer some of my own questions, 19 million were purged nationwide between 2020 and 2022. Assuming that is a two-year period and not a three-year period, that would be about 9.5 million a year, which would be consistent with NC's 500k a year.

If you want to read up a little more about how states use ERIC to find the names to purge, but which was then attacked by Trump as being part of a liberal front, read:

X number of people were purged from rolls the past 20 months. I’ll bet 1/3 were Dems; 1/3 were Pubs and 1/3 were Indy.
If the reasons given for the purge is accurate, all three groups of voters are represented in the purge.

Of the 7 million + registered voters in NC, which party has more? Dem, Pub or Indy?

You guessed it: Indy at 36%
Dems at 33%
Pubs at 30%

Now, with that said, of those purged, if an inordinate amount were purged from only one party… somethings fishy.
X number of people were purged from rolls the past 20 months. I’ll bet 1/3 were Dems; 1/3 were Pubs and 1/3 were Indy.
If the reasons given for the purge is accurate, all three groups of voters are represented in the purge.

Of the 7 million + registered voters in NC, which party has more? Dem, Pub or Indy?

You guessed it: Indy at 36%
Dems at 33%
Pubs at 30%

Now, with that said, of those purged, if an inordinate amount were purged from only one party… somethings fishy.
I could see fewer indies purged as it wasn't as popular decades prior