2024 Presidential Election | 41 Days to Election Day

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They are a cult, they will realize one day how they were duped, just have to hope it's after he loses and dies of old age and not because they are getting bent over by his policies.
If he happened to win they would blame their raping on Democrats because they are too stupid to have free thought
Is there anyone else out there who thinks their race is run? Sorry, now is the time to donate, volunteer time and help get boots on the ground.

If you’re retired, or have a job and home situation whereby you can knock on doors, now is the time.

We could easily sit back and claim we’re simply too old to effect change. But what good is that?
Drudge laying it out.


How pathetic do you have to be to go on live television and when asked directly about a racist comment from Trump, be unwilling to denounce it while smugly smiling and using the excuse that "I didn't hear him say it so I can't speak to it"?
Late in that clip….after the video wasn’t on the pundits……the audio revealed that Karen saying about Kamala Harris, “She doesn’t know what a woman is.”
Trump gave the Medal of Freedom to, of all people, Rush Limbaugh only weeks away from dying of cancer (beautiful healthy people). Trump and Limbaugh forever cheapened that great honor.
Awarding it to Limbaugh was disgusting.

Let’s not pretend that it’s not become a meaningless tchotchke - Obama awarded it to Michael “Republicans buy shoes, too” Jordan.

I’m a huge UNC fan and a big MJ basketball fan…..if the Presidential Medal had standards, neither MJ nor Rush gets one.
I don’t know. I’m not a UNC or Bulls fan, and I didn’t have a problem with recognizing MJ.

Look at the small number of NBA players from foreign countries represented in the 1992 Olympics versus the 2024 games. It has become a global phenomenon and MJ played a huge role in that…probably more so than anyone.

Limbaugh was a piece of shit and the world became a slightly better place the day he stopped using its oxygen.