2024 Presidential Election | 41 Days to Election Day

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I think the battle rap analogy is exactly right.

I don't think fact-checking Trump does much good. At this point, everybody knows that he's incessantly full of shit. Either they care, in which case they are voting against him; or they don't care, in which case fact-checking makes no difference; or they are in the cult of Trump and would see fact-checking as just more liberal conspiracy.

I also don't think his changing "position" on abortion is going to fool anyone. All he is doing is alienating his base. The people for whom abortion is an important issue know who to vote for. Coming out now in favor of IVF and against abortion bans will have the effect only of making ostensibly pro-choice Trump voters (like HY2012) feel less guilty about voting with their ids and lizard brains.

I also think that Trump has been pro-choice his entire life. Why would he be pro-life? He doesn't care about anything besides himself, so he's definitely not worried about the poor embryos. He's not religious at all. And abortions are surely convenient for him and as many people have mentioned, he has likely paid for at least one. So this pro-life thing was all an act. Since Trump goes with his gut, and increasingly so, he's probably reverting back to his form because he's having trouble keeping up the act when he fears it costs him votes.

“Unlike Kamala Harris, who can’t put together a coherent sentence without a teleprompter, President Trump speaks for hours, telling multiple impressive stories at the same time,” said Karoline Leavitt, a spokeswoman for Mr. Trump. “Kamala Harris could never.”

His campaign did not identify which English professor friends of his had complimented his style.

“I highly doubt that Donald Trump has any English professor friends,” said Timothy O’Brien, a Trump biographer. “What this really reflects is that he is aware of the criticism that he is publicly saying nonlinear, nonsensical word salad, and he is trying to pretend there is a strategy or logic behind it when there isn’t.”

But in the case of Mr. Trump, it is difficult to find the hermeneutic methods with which to parse the linguistic flights that take him from electrocuted sharks to Hannibal Lecter’s cannibalism, windmills and Rosie O’Donnell.

James Shapiro, a professor of English at Columbia University and a renowned Shakespeare scholar, ruminated about Mr. Trump’s use of the word: “I read Trump’s comment bragging that ‘I do the weave.’ I take him at his word, as one of the Oxford English Dictionary definitions of ‘weave’ is ‘to pursue a devious course.’” …”
Why are there always such willing fools like this?
Here’s a crazy thought. Rather than trying to find backdoor ways to beat the system, and putting forward the worst candidate in US political history…how about putting someone forward with a popular platform, fresh ideas, with a plan to actually better the lives of more than 1% of the population.
Here’s a crazy thought. Rather than trying to find backdoor ways to beat the system, and putting forward the worst candidate in US political history…how about putting someone forward with a popular platform, fresh ideas, with a plan to actually better the lives of more than 1% of the population.
Because the majority of people that vote for Pubs care more about a nation only for straight, white Christian nationalists and vote for the person they think can make it happen, even if they are a narcissistic sociopath.