2024 Presidential Election | 41 Days to Election Day

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Driving my kids to school this morning (in Charlotte), I noticed somebody put Trump/Vance signs all up and down the medians of Colony and Fairview. You don’t see many Trump signs anywhere in Charlotte, so it was actually pretty jarring and made me feel like I was driving through some rural area NC where you do see a lot of Trump signs. Somebody also put up a bunch of Michelle Morrow signs in that area, which is really disturbing.

One thing I have noticed is that Republicans are much more into littering our public spaces, such as traffic medians, with political signs.
I spend a fairly significant amount of time driving through the northwestern corner of NC for various reasons (and through Eastern NC going to Atlantic Beach), and my observation so far this year is that the Trump signage is still there but not in the avalanche I saw from 2016 through middle of 2021.

I always thought you could see the expectation of Trump overturning the election (and then of being magically reinstated after Jan 20) wax from November 2020 through January 2021 and (surprisingly slowly) wane into the summer of 2021 just watching the yard signs — how many yards and how concentrated in yards.

The Trumpage started coming back in late 2022, expanded in 2023 and 2024, especially during major indictment or trial news, and one more burst after the first assassination attempt this July, but while there are still homes and yards with high concentrations (multiple flags, signs, etc) it appears to me that there a lot fewer homes overall with Trump signs at this relatively late hour compared to 2020.

Completely unscientific but it has been noticeable…
I spend a fairly significant amount of time driving through the northwestern corner of NC for various reasons (and through Eastern NC going to Atlantic Beach), and my observation so far this year is that the Trump signage is still there but not in the avalanche I saw from 2016 through middle of 2021.

I always thought you could see the expectation of Trump overturning the election (and then of being magically reinstated after Jan 20) wax from November 2020 through January 2021 and (surprisingly slowly) wane into the summer of 2021 just watching the yard signs — how many yards and how concentrated in yards.

The Trumpage started coming back in late 2022, expanded in 2023 and 2024, especially during major indictment or trial news, and one more burst after the first assassination attempt this July, but while there are still homes and yards with high concentrations (multiple flags, signs, etc) it appears to me that there a lot fewer homes overall with Trump signs at this relatively late hour compared to 2020.

Completely unscientific but it has been noticeable…
Way noticeable around the rural triangle as well.

Some. But NOTHING like 4 years ago

“The death of the GOP started slowly, but it’s happening more quickly this year. Republicans no longer champion the free market or free trade, the rule of law, the Constitution, entitlement reform, debt reduction, limited government, American exceptionalism and leadership on the world stage, personal responsibility, or protections for the unborn.

Instead, they champion Trump.

This is the Republican party of 2024. Republicans nominated Trump a third time, after his defeat and his attempted coup, and dissolved what was left of the GOP. There is no consistent messaging. There is no consistent ideology. There is just Trump.

Whether he wins or loses, Trump succeeded in finishing off the Republican party and making it wholly dependent on him.

He got what he wanted—a house of sand. Republicans got what they deserve.“
Driving my kids to school this morning (in Charlotte), I noticed somebody put Trump/Vance signs all up and down the medians of Colony and Fairview. You don’t see many Trump signs anywhere in Charlotte, so it was actually pretty jarring and made me feel like I was driving through some rural area NC where you do see a lot of Trump signs. Somebody also put up a bunch of Michelle Morrow signs in that area, which is really disturbing.

One thing I have noticed is that Republicans are much more into littering our public spaces, such as traffic medians, with political signs.
Saw a billboard driving through Greensboro the other day that had Vance on it with the caption that was something like: “JD Vance as president? Weird”
Driving my kids to school this morning (in Charlotte), I noticed somebody put Trump/Vance signs all up and down the medians of Colony and Fairview. You don’t see many Trump signs anywhere in Charlotte, so it was actually pretty jarring and made me feel like I was driving through some rural area NC where you do see a lot of Trump signs. Somebody also put up a bunch of Michelle Morrow signs in that area, which is really disturbing.

One thing I have noticed is that Republicans are much more into littering our public spaces, such as traffic medians, with political signs.
Colony and Fairview ey? Pat McCrory still trying to ingratiate himself to Trump?

Unfortunately the Supreme Court has ruled that campaign signs are the highest level of protected speech, and thus more important than any local government's zoning code or sign ordinance. Essentially folks have free reign to put campaign signs on just about any public right of way in the weeks leading up to an election.
Colony and Fairview ey? Pat McCrory still trying to ingratiate himself to Trump?

Unfortunately the Supreme Court has ruled that campaign signs are the highest level of protected speech, and thus more important than any local government's zoning code or sign ordinance. Essentially folks have free rein to put campaign signs on just about any public right of way in the weeks leading up to an election.
Do I also have the right to drive over them? Accidentally, of course. Asking for a friend.
I was idly wondering what the law was on how close you could place one sign to another. Could you for example place a sign 1 inch from an opponent's sign (and thus block reading the opponent's sign from most normal viewing angles)? Might be fun.