2024 Presidential Election | 41 Days to Election Day

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I love it. He can't fire Wiles and LaCivita because Project Lincoln told him he had to. But he knows he needs a change and brings in Lewandowski.

The infighting is going to be so ******* exquisite! We get to sit back and watch them destroy themselves.
I’d love to see it culminate with Wiles retaliating by doing a $20 million ad buy in Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.
I've never understood how this would be enforced and how would it be determined?

I would be worried that this could turn into price controls.
Maybe some "monopoly " concepts could be used for portions of the Food supply industry that are very concentrated/
Any way--Ha Ha at SCOTUS agreeing

So weird that the folks who scream and cry the loudest about how their grocery bill has gone up "200%" want to vote for the guy whose policy proposal would actually make their grocery bills skyrocket.

They don't put in the effort to really understand what they are voting for.
as long as they are white babies, the 2025 folks are happy
I remember seeing a film of a Klan gathering several years ago. The grand dragon was holding a baby in this hands . I remember him saying, “I hold in my hands the most beautiful thing in this world, a white baby.”
I suppose a lot of those assholes would agree with him.
Lots of writing over the last few years about how Americans, and especially younger Americans, are avoiding group affiliation of all types. Political identity is certainly included in that.

I recognize the trend and understand why it is happening.

I wonder how many of these independents understand that the vast bulk of elected officials vote by party?

Even “moderate” elected officials vote in lock-step or near lock-step vote by party, especially when the party leaders demand the vote. See Susan Collins or John Tester.