2024 Presidential Election | 42 Days to Election Day

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They don't care because they are scum, too. Even the ones that might act nice on the outside. Deep inside they are scum, and are ok with Trump because they think he will bring about the fascist nation they crave for only straight, white Christian nationalism.
I’m not there yet. I don’t think all Trumpers are as valueless as he is. History is replete with examples of shysters who have fooled enormous numbers. The problem is it takes some measure of courage and/or humility to admit you’ve chased a fallen god. I have no idea how many Trumpers will be able to do that, but I hope it’s more than zero.
I’m not there yet. I don’t think all Trumpers are as valueless as he is. History is replete with examples of shysters who have fooled enormous numbers. The problem is it takes some measure of courage and/or humility to admit you’ve chased a fallen god. I have no idea how many Trumpers will be able to do that, but I hope it’s more than zero.
Well you are a good person.........................To me , anyone that votes for orangeturd this go around is-well-a deplorable
I’m really starting to thing something is physically wrong with Trump. He’s been hiding out in his posh clubs for a couple of weeks now, only engaging with the media in staged press conferences on his own turf. Vance has been doing the appearances you’d expect the candidate to be doing. It’s not like he’s prepping for something. Next week is all DNC. He still has close to a month before the next debate. This is not normal. Trump’s old as hell. Will he even make it to November?
He's scared of getting shot.
He’s the dreck of the American experiment. The worst, the waste of this incredible land we call home. I will never understand why so many Americans see him as something more than the scum he’s always been.
I've posted this before but I think the most accurate, concise assessment of Trump that I've seen was by Jon Lovett several years ago when he described Trump as "the embodiment of all human flaw in a single vessel."
I've posted this before but I think the most accurate, concise assessment of Trump that I've seen was by Jon Lovett several years ago when he described Trump as "the embodiment of all human flaw in a single vessel."
I was thinking recently that every time he speaks the phrase "the trash heap has spoken" from Fraggle Rock be played, so I went looking for the gif. Now I am just shocked at the resemblance.

All Knowing Fraggle Rock GIF by Apple TV+Fraggle Rock Dance GIF by Common Ground CompostVillage People Dancing GIF by de chinezen
Well you are a good person.........................To me , anyone that votes for orangeturd this go around is-well-a deplorable
They are a cult, they will realize one day how they were duped, just have to hope it's after he loses and dies of old age and not because they are getting bent over by his policies.

Is LaCivita the dude who recently posted a selfie on his twitter page giving the finger to his critics? It will be pretty funny if he gets sacked in favor of a dude who is shagging the lady who likes to shoot beloved family pets and farm animals.

"Comrade Kamala" is the vice president and thus has little control over the administration's policies, just like every vice president since the dawn of the republic, except for maybe Dick Cheney. And economics "expert" Ted Cruz is the guy who has repeatedly fled his state to Mexican resorts to avoid dealing with hurricanes and other natural disasters among the people he is supposed to serve. And as for the claim that under Kamala we'll all be eating Spam and Ramen Noodles, well, that's so patently absurd I'm not sure how to respond except to say that it's absurd.