2024 Presidential Election | 42 Days to Election Day

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Yep, as I suspected there are many here who only want to hear the echo chamber.

2 posts here, but 20 plus years on IC before Snoop banned me. NC resident, Combat Vet, UNC lifelong fan currently paying kids tuition in the UNC system. But you go ahead and ignore, my opinions don’t matter to a partisan hack like you. Bye.
Not ignoring! What do ya got?
Someone has to honor the 13 and the current admin certainly will not. Glad Trump created a moment and honored the soldiers and families.

By the way, nice new site. Does it come with Snoops lifetime bans for republicans? I sure hope not. I enjoy reading and occasionally responding when the subject gets my attention as this one does. It was an absolute failure of leadership.
He wasn’t honoring anybody. He was making a political commercial. If you’re good with using fallen soldiers as political props, you are part of the problem.
Thanks for the response. I disagree on the departure plan. It not only sucked. It was plainly an incompetent plan.
And here we go again with the "I'm smarter than all the experts" bullshit from our MAGAs.

Guess what? I'm actually an expert on various subjects. But not combat planning. I know nothing about military strategy beyond what I've learned from playing Risk or Axis and Allies, and I'm smart enough to know that they aren't actually like real life. So if the generals decide on a plan for tactical withdrawal, I'm smart enough to know that I have no insight into its competence.

I swear to God, it's people like you who are bringing the country to its knees. People who don't know shit but think they are competent to second-guess experts.
I am starting to think that if Snoop doesn’t ban me, or the new version of Snoop, whoever that is, doesn’t ban me, that you all probably need me here. Obviously you are only seeing 50% of the news.
If the 50% of the news that I'm seeing isn't just baseless maga propaganda, then I'm good with that. Keep your "news" (lol) to yourself and your cult buddies. In this echo chamber, we prefer facts and reality thank you.
Has anyone seen comment from a Congress person or elected official about investigating this Arlington deal?
I am always so incredulous at the manner in which Snoop so effortlessly occupies so much real estate in these posters' heads. They've probably got sticky pictures of SnoopRop on their bedside nightstands.
No shit. You’d think Snoop is a black trans woman who competes in HS girls’ volleyball and forces her adopted white children to pee in litter boxes.