What do you consider to be the "Republican agenda the national level"? In my experience you consider the "Democratic agenda at the national level" to be whatever the farthest left Democrat has ever claimed they want to do, as opposed to what's actually in the platform or what legislation is actually passed. Do you apply that same standard to Republicans, who have a much more vocal and powerful far-right power base than any left-wing equivalent? Do you actually agree with the things Trump says he wants to do? Does he even actually have an "agenda" at all? Do Republicans have any legislative plan whatsoever on health care, immigration, infrastructure, tax code reform, etc?
A vote for Trump is simply a vote for congressional inertia on the critical issues facing our country while Trump issues executive orders ranging from meaningless to unconstitutional on whatever comes to mind on any given day. Meanwhile the parade of goons, crooks, and morons that will staff his administration will be running around stealing anything that isn't tied down and ignoring whatever job they're supposed to be doing. Is that seriously how you want the government to run? Do you seriously want the people who are going to staff a second Trump administration - the toadies and ideologues who are still around after almost every single other previous cabinet appointee has rightfully abandoned him - in charge of the federal government?
I just find it utterly bizarre that you will consistently return to "fear of the national Democratic agenda" as the primary, if not only, motivation for backing Trump, without any effort to seriously engage with what Trump's agenda is or would be in contrast.