2024 Presidential Election | 41 Days to Election Day

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I’ve never seen a second of the Power Rangers.

Is this really the power rangers?
Yes. It was on after school for kids at 4:00 and I watched it every damn day when I was like 9. So, yeah, it's marketed towards an age group that would enjoy whatever that is.

Oh, and this was of course many young boys first crush:


They also had some, looking back, interesting controversies like the fact that the black power ranger was portrayed by an African American actor, the yellow power ranger was portrayed by a Vietnamese actress, the red power ranger by a Native American. I think one did a porn video afterwards. One got arrested.
Left-wingers think Democrats are MUCH worse than right-wingers.
i think that there are a lot of pragmatic leftists out there (me included) who want things to move significantly more to the left but realize that the revolution is not forthcoming and so in the meantime, our votes/support for the democrats can help make things a little less awful/dangerous for the most vulnerable people in our society.
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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is suing the North Carolina State Board of Elections in a last-ditch attempt to get his name removed the state’s ballot ahead of the 2024 presidential election, the Raleigh News and Observer reports.
A new SurveyUSA poll in Nebraska finds Sen. Deb Fischer (R) barely ahead of Dan Osborn (I) in the U.S. Senate race, 39% to 38%.

A YouGov poll released earlier in August showed a 2-point lead for incumbent Fischer, while an Impact Research polltaken the month prior showed a tied race.

A new SurveyUSA poll in Nebraska finds Sen. Deb Fischer (R) barely ahead of Dan Osborn (I) in the U.S. Senate race, 39% to 38%.

A YouGov poll released earlier in August showed a 2-point lead for incumbent Fischer, while an Impact Research polltaken the month prior showed a tied race.

This is just Jamie Harrison/Lindsey Graham v 2.0