2024 Presidential Election | 42 Days to Election Day

  • Thread starter Thread starter nycfan
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I doubt they designed the T-shirt. We know that Trump doesn't know how to use apostrophes.
Does that make it better?

It's one thing to not know how to spell the plural of your own name, but to be willing to wear a shirt with your name misspelled just to support a candidate that would care so little about you as to not get the spelling correct seems worse.

Sure, the GOP having a good reason to shed themselves of Trump is good for them (and everyone else, ultimately). Of course the article doesn't fully expose the lack of courage of the GOP to shed itself of Trump without losing.
Further, it seems the purpose of the article is to highlight how with a Trump loss the GOP can thwart the Harris administration.
Again, I appreciate Republicans at least admitting they need to rid themselves of Trump. However, it is not looking at the root of the problem.
Yeah, that’s a turd that won’t stick on the wall. I’ve listened to a LOT of Kamala over the last few weeks. She’s anything but a complainer.
But this is why she couldn't have picked a female VP. Trump wants old dudes to see Kamala and think of their nagging wives.