2024 Presidential Election | 43 Days to Election Day

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Awarding it to Limbaugh was disgusting.

Let’s not pretend that it’s not become a meaningless tchotchke - Obama awarded it to Michael “Republicans buy shoes, too” Jordan.

I’m a huge UNC fan and a big MJ basketball fan…..if the Presidential Medal had standards, neither MJ nor Rush gets one.
Now DES was a different story in that he used his Sports related fame to further the focus on Societal ills
Now DES was a different story in that he used his Sports related fame to further the focus on Societal ills
I can see arguments as to why MJ may not have been the type of person the medal of freedom was intended for, but I can also see some arguments as to why he might have been deserving of it. Either way, no way he and Limbaugh should be lumped together. Not only was Limbaugh undeserving, but the act of awarding him that medal was reprehensible. He was a terrible, hateful person who spent most of his life trying to tear this country apart. He was a despicable person and awarding him that medal was a despicable act by another despicable person.

How do you get ready for debating Kamala by doing prep against a Russian troll?

The problem with this strategy is that Tulsi's attack on Kamala during the 2020 primary debates was 100% predicated on Kamala being too tough on crime as a San Francisco DA and prosecuting too many minorities for drug convictions.

Not exactly going to work in conjunction with Trump's message, is it?

Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign announced on Saturday that it was reserving $370 million in advertising to begin after Labor Day and run through the November election, including $200 million on digital ads.

The Harris campaign said it believed this was the largest digital ad reservation ever in American politics, reflecting the need to reach voters on their phones and other devices. Just $170 million is being reserved so far on television, as traditional television audiences continue to fragment and shrink.

“This is a modern campaign in 2024 and we’re not just stuck in the times of old, where 80 percent of the budget has to be on television,” Quentin Fulks, Ms. Harris’s principal deputy campaign manager, said in an interview.

The Harris campaign did not say how much it would spend in each state. But it said its purchases of television advertising would total twice what President Biden’s 2020 campaign spent in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, four times what he spent in Georgia and six times what he spent in Nevada, the least populous of the battleground states.

The Harris campaign is advertising now in seven swing states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — as part of a $150 million summer ad blitz. Mr. Fulks said advertising would continue in all of those states as well as nationally.
I miss the quaint old days of “normal” politics and elections:

I remember thinking about this once before and how they had a sketch based on the word lockbox essentially and now it's like politics is so disgusting they can't make light of it other than doing impressions.