2024 Presidential Election | 44 Days to Election Day

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Nope. Back to the drawing board for you, NY Post. The National Enquirer would Blanche at that.

At this point in history any criticisms of Democrats as "budget busters" should be literally laughed into silence. Republican Presidents talk about balancing the budget and slam Democrats as wasteful spenders, yet every GOP POTUS from Nixon on has spent like drunken sailors and ran up record budget deficits, including Trump. The last GOP president to actually care about a balanced budget and to occasionally have one was Dwight Eisenhower well over 60 years ago. Modern GOP presidents love to spend money, they just spend it on different things from Democrats.
I was going to post something earlier about how this is always the tired Republican talking point (does it even qualify as that?). Please retire it. We get it. Democrats are socialists/communists. Now let’s actually talk about the issues and policy positions….
Only old people are scared of communists. They can’t be more out of touch
I am kind of surprised they chose to post this clip of him verbally careening out of control, though they gloss over that with an ellipsis

Link: Trump Turned the Democratic Party Into a Pitiless Machine Opinion | Trump Turned the Democratic Party Into a Pitiless Machine

Nice column. For me, the two money quotes in the column were:

1. “Many of the same politicians who now publicly embrace Trump privately dread him,” Nikki Haley said in February. “They know what a disaster he’s been and will continue to be for our party. They’re just too afraid to say it out loud. Well, I’m not afraid to say the hard truth out loud. I feel no need to kiss the ring.”

2. "Democrats have their own ideological tensions. But Trump’s victory turned Democrats into a ruthlessly pragmatic party. It was that pragmatism that led them to ultimately nominate Joe Biden in 2020. It was that same pragmatism that led them to abandon him in 2024."
I can't help but think that St. Donald of Mar-a-Lago had his whole late Summer and Fall campaign figured out. Make the occasional appearance, but spend most of his days on the golf course, at McDonalds, and scamming the marks. And then the Democrats screwed everything up. Well, Donald J. Trump is just not the sort of man to let anyone, let alone some broad who can't even make up her mind whether she is Indian or Black, come along and spoil "Donald Trump's Days Off."
You have to wonder, are the reason St. Donald of Mar-a-Lago's Tweets and other social media written posts are so BSC is because those who write them are just trying to keep up with the stuff he actually says outloud?