2024 Presidential Election | 44 Days to Election Day

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Charlie Kirk hates women because not a single one of them has ever or will ever let him get into a vagina since the one he initially crawled out of.
My father's life was saved by Douglas Albert Munro on September 27, 1942. I have known about this for as far back as I can remember. For someone like Donald J. Trump to spit on Douglas Albert Munro's grave is simply beyond what is acceptable political discourse in the United States. When I say "saved," what I mean is: when the last landing craft was waiting for my father and two other men to get aboard, Douglas A. Munro maneuvered his landing craft to interpose it between where the greatest concentration of Japanese fire was coming from and the landing craft my father and two other men were trying to get to. While doing so, Douglas A. Munro was mortally wounded by the Japanese fire that his landing craft was shielding the landing craft my father was in. According to someone on Munro's landing craft, his last words were, "Did we get them all off?" He did.

Link: Douglas Albert Munro | World War II | U.S. Coast Guard | Medal of Honor Recipient
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John Kelly rejects Trump’s comments that civilian award is ‘much better’ than Medal of Honor: ‘Not even close’​

Former Trump chief of staff and retired Marine Gen. John Kelly rejected former President Donald Trump’s comments that the Presidential Medal of Freedom that honors civilians was “much better” than the Medal of Honor given to service members, telling CNN that the two honors are “Not even close. No equivalency of any kind.”

The Presidential Medal of Freedom is “given for some good works done or in fewer cases for other considerations, but they’re not even close,” Kelly said.

“Think of Normandy, Iwo Jima, Vietnam or Fallujah,” Kelly told CNN. “The Medal of Honor is earned, not won, by incredibly brave actions on the battlefield under fire typically by very young men who joined when others did not to defend their country. Their oath to the nation is essentially the oath the president and members of Congress take, that federal judges take, that political appointees also take and includes ‘…that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties…’

“To the service member, the oath is sacred and taken with the understanding that one could be seriously wounded, captured or killed in living up to the words. No president, member of Congress, judge or political appointee — and certainly no recipient of the Presidential Medal — will ever be asked to give life or limb to protect the Constitution. The two awards cannot be compared in any way. Not even close.”


Meanwhile, Trump is invited to clean-up his comments and proves he meant what he said and said what he meant ...

Would have been very hard to make his initial statement worse, but he managed to do it.
Would have been very hard to make his initial statement worse, but he managed to do it.
Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States and currently running to become the next President of the United States apparently does not know how to pronounce "posthumously." I guess that it is such a foreign concept to him, he never bothered to learn how to say it.
The trump campaign seems like a rudderless mess.

Their game plan vs Harris thus far has been perplexing almost like the Dems usually is.
It's because Trump gets final say on things and he is a mess.
Just ask his lawyers
Agree. Trump has no clue what to do right now. He or his team may stumble into something, but this should be terrifying to those who think he’s the man to navigate us through the domestic and international challenges that will arise in the next four years. He’s been slobber knockered by the replacement of a president with his VP. Whatever happens from here, Trump has shown he’s not up to the job.
Agree. Trump has no clue what to do right now. He or his team may stumble into something, but this should be terrifying to those who think he’s the man to navigate us through the domestic and international challenges that will arise in the next four years. He’s been slobber knockered by the replacement of a president with his VP. Whatever happens from here, Trump has shown he’s not up to the job.
COVID proved that.

I just can’t believe Americans have such short memories that it’s even as close as it is.
COVID proved that.

I just can’t believe Americans have such short memories that it’s even as close as it is.
Unfortunately many people (including many who weren’t part of the MAGA cult) look back and think Covid was overblown and that there was a bunch of overreaction. They may view Trump’s response as being more level-headed while disregarding all the stupid things he said and all the division he stoked.
Unfortunately many people (including many who weren’t part of the MAGA cult) look back and think Covid was overblown and that there was a bunch of overreaction. They may view Trump’s response as being more level-headed while disregarding all the stupid things he said and all the division he stoked.
Unfortunately, many people have no concept of how to handle a global catastrophe like a pandemic. Many people don’t understand science or public policy.