2024 Presidential Election | 44 Days to Election Day

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Tic tic tic toc waiting for Swift spokespeople, or Swift herself, to come out disavowing the Trump AI un-TRUTH SOCIAL meme from earlier today.

"Election interference!" - Donald J. Trump

If this is even close to accurate (which I sadly believe that it is…), this should disqualify this moron from ANY leadership position, much less the presidency. This man is unserious about helping ANYONE if it doesn’t in some way advance his agenda, which in this case is getting him back into the role of president. He isn’t fit to be the leader of a volunteer PTA organization, forget about the U.S.

I follow politics a lot and I don't remember John Kerry having any kerfuffle about swiss cheese. If Vance thought that was a burn -- I mean, wtf. I suppose we could start making ironic "thousand points of light" references in response but why? (and the thousand points of light was prominently ridiculed in a very famous SNL sketch that was before your time).
If this is even close to accurate (which I sadly believe that it is…), this should disqualify this moron from ANY leadership position, much less the presidency. This man is unserious about helping ANYONE if it doesn’t in some way advance his agenda, which in this case is getting him back into the role of president. He isn’t fit to be the leader of a volunteer PTA organization, forget about the U.S.
Why would anyone doubt it? He did the same thing with the border legislation. And with the arms shipments to Ukraine (for which he was rightfully impeached). Of course he is trying to prevent a cease fire in Israel. That's just what he does.
If this is even close to accurate (which I sadly believe that it is…), this should disqualify this moron from ANY leadership position, much less the presidency. This man is unserious about helping ANYONE if it doesn’t in some way advance his agenda, which in this case is getting him back into the role of president. He isn’t fit to be the leader of a volunteer PTA organization, forget about the U.S.
yeah, if this report isn't true, she just put the idea in his head and it's only a matter of time until it is.

I hope we learn more about what "the reporting" is that she's mentioning here. But it dovetails perfectly with his torpedoing the border deal only so that Biden wouldn't get something important done. People, especially kids, starving and dying over there and he's trying to undermine negotiations that could help them. It's people like him who made me wish I believed in hell.
Why would anyone doubt it? He did the same thing with the border legislation. And with the arms shipments to Ukraine (for which he was rightfully impeached). Of course he is trying to prevent a cease fire in Israel. That's just what he does.

I, for one, am not willing to let him slip off with a "That's just what he does".

I know we've all been desensitized (proverbially boiled frogs), but I'm going to ask every single person who reads this post to take a step back and think about how enormously fucked up this is (normally I use asterisks for the f-word, but this time it's intentional).

He is proactively asking that innocents lives continue to be be lost (assumabley for at least 70 some more days) because the cessation of the slaughter in order to move a peace process forward would be inconvenient to his electoral chances.

I'm sorry, but that's fucked up. Inhuman. Monstrous. Enraging. Knowing that the ratio of innocents to combatants will be at least (and very conservatively) 10:1, not only does he want it to continue, he's petitioning for it to continue because it maybe gives him a sliver of more hope of regaining the presidency. These are children, mothers, students, elderly... regular people dealing with about the shittiest hand dealt to any of us as humans and he actively wants to sacrifice them to his ambition.

I know there's nothing we can do about it proximally, but I damn well refuse to become desensitized to it.
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I, for one, am not willing to let him slip off with a "That's just what he does".

I know we've all been desensitized (proverbially boiled frogs), but I'm going to ask every single person who reads this post to take a step back and think about how enormously fucked up this is (normally I use asterisks for the f-word, but this time it's intentional).

He is proactively asking that innocents lives continue to be be lost (assumable for at least 70 some more days) because the cessation of the slaughter in order to move a peace process forward would be inconvenient to his electoral chances.

I'm sorry, but that's fucked up. Inhuman. Monstrous. Enraging. Knowing that the ratio of innocents to combatants will be at least (and very conservatively) 10:1, not only does he want it to continue, he's petitioning for it to continue because it maybe gives him a sliver of more hope of regaining the presidency. These are children, mothers, students, elderly... regular people dealing with about the shittiest hand dealt to any of us as humans he actively wants to sacrifice them to his ambition.

I know there's nothing we can do about it proximally, but I damn well refuse to become desensitized to it.
Well, he is a narcissistic sociopath. It's textbook. And the MAGA cult is nothing but others with personality disorders, racists and bigots. That's the only reason he has support even with all the vile, evil things he has done.

I, for one, am not willing to let him slip off with a "That's just what he does".

I know we've all been desensitized (proverbially boiled frogs), but I'm going to ask every single person who reads this post to take a step back and think about how enormously fucked up this is (normally I use asterisks for the f-word, but this time it's intentional).

He is proactively asking that innocents lives continue to be be lost (assumabley for at least 70 some more days) because the cessation of the slaughter in order to move a peace process forward would be inconvenient to his electoral chances.

I'm sorry, but that's fucked up. Inhuman. Monstrous. Enraging. Knowing that the ratio of innocents to combatants will be at least (and very conservatively) 10:1, not only does he want it to continue, he's petitioning for it to continue because it maybe gives him a sliver of more hope of regaining the presidency. These are children, mothers, students, elderly... regular people dealing with about the shittiest hand dealt to any of us as humans he actively wants to sacrifice them to his ambition.

I know there's nothing we can do about it proximally, but I damn well refuse to become desensitized to it.
Yeah this is different than sabotaging the border deal. This needs to be broadcast widely if it is indeed true. What a sick person if he is actively disrupting a peace deal that would end innocents being killed not to mention free the hostages.
yeah, if this report isn't true, she just put the idea in his head and it's only a matter of time until it is.

I hope we learn more about what "the reporting" is that she's mentioning here. But it dovetails perfectly with his torpedoing the border deal only so that Biden wouldn't get something important done. People, especially kids, starving and dying over there and he's trying to undermine negotiations that could help them. People like (especially) him make me wish I believed in hell.
If this is even close to accurate (which I sadly believe that it is…), this should disqualify this moron from ANY leadership position, much less the presidency. This man is unserious about helping ANYONE if it doesn’t in some way advance his agenda, which in this case is getting him back into the role of president. He isn’t fit to be the leader of a volunteer PTA organization, forget about the U.S.
It's right out of the GQP playbook...

Nixon screwed with the Paris Peace talks to end the war in Viet Nam
Reagan did the same with the hostage release in Iran

I have little doubt that Trump has prevailed upon Bibi to demur on a ceasefire before the election. That said, I have little doubt Bibi needed to be persuaded to work for an end to the conflict.