2024 Presidential Election | 44 Days to Election Day

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I think this is interesting to consider. I do think that conservatism as a serious political movement in America has completely collapsed. I think we will be dealing with pockets of the remnants for quite a while in places like Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, etc.- not to mention on the Supreme Court- but based on the embarrassment of riches that was on display at the DNC this week, juxtaposed against the embarrassment of ideological poverty that was on display at the RNC, I think that nationally/federally we are headed toward an era of center-left legislative power. I think that the purpling- and eventual blue’ing- of states like Texas, Florida, North Carolina, and Georgia is going to relegate American conservatism to the dustbin of history. The party of Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Bush’s, McCain, and Romney is dead, gone, and buried forever. Donald Trump has proven Lindsey Graham to be the greatest political prophet in history: “if we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed. And we will deserve it.”
I disagree.

Given how the Constitution apportions Senate and House seats and how the Electoral College is constructed, the GOP has built in advantages - in the US, land matters more than number of citizens in terms of representation AND corporations are people, too.

It takes a Trump for the GOP to lose. Run Lady G, Little Marco, Brian Kemp, the Virginia governor who pretends he isn’t right-wing, etc. and the GOP wins.

I do agree that a principled, conservative GOP is dead. I doubt it has existed in my voting lifetime (1980). Remember, the sainted Ronald Reagan and his campaign back-channeled the Carter Administration to get Iran to release the hostages AFTER the election. Before Reagan was elected and his tax cuts passed, deficits mattered. Then, we have Inran-Contra. Let’s throw in a little Lee Atwater detailing what the Southern Strategy code words meant; he was on his deathbed looking for forgiveness.

The principled, conservative GOP is dead and cold.

The modern MAGA GOP is alive and well and a threat to take and hold the Oval Office, Senate, House, SCOTUS, and many (most) states for a good long while.
"mom/dad, why did you vote for that man that was convicted of sexual assault?"
My daughter is 2. Doubt she’s worried about which politician I vote for. Just like I have no clue who my parents voted for when I was 2. She’s more concerned with watching Paw Patrol.
I disagree.

Given how the Constitution apportions Senate and House seats and how the Electoral College is constructed, the GOP has built in advantages - in the US, land matters more than number of citizens in terms of representation AND corporations are people, too.

It takes a Trump for the GOP to lose. Run Lady G, Little Marco, Brian Kemp, the Virginia governor who pretends he isn’t right-wing, etc. and the GOP wins.

I do agree that a principled, conservative GOP is dead. I doubt it has existed in my voting lifetime (1980). Remember, the sainted Ronald Reagan and his campaign back-channeled the Carter Administration to get Iran to release the hostages AFTER the election. Before Reagan was elected and his tax cuts passed, deficits mattered. Then, we have Inran-Contra. Let’s throw in a little Lee Atwater detailing what the Southern Strategy code words meant; he was on his deathbed looking for forgiveness.

The principled, conservative GOP is dead and cold.

The modern MAGA GOP is alive and well and a threat to take and hold the Oval Office, Senate, House, SCOTUS, and many (most) states for a good long while.
Those are all fantastic points, for sure. I do think, though, that MAGA sans Trump is an enormous electoral loser. In fact, MAGA with Trump has been an electoral loser for 8 straight years since they caught lightning in a bottle aided and abetted by poor Democratic turnout in key areas in 2016. I don’t think the MAGA movement can be sustained in earnest without Trump, and I don’t think it can win with Trump. I think that the Republican Party as a whole at the national level is going to experience some really turbulent times as the Glenn Youngkin/Brian Kemp-esque faction of the party fights the JD Vance/Josh Hawley-esque faction of the party. And I don’t think that either can win a national election without the other’s base. Sure, some states like Alabama, Mississippi et al will continue to send the JD Vance types to Congress, and that’s not nothing. But on the whole we are seeing in real time the Democratic Party reaching a place of strength it hasn’t seen in ages while the Republican Party is spiraling into weakness that it hasn’t seen in ages.
My daughter is 2. Doubt she’s worried about which politician I vote for. Just like I have no clue who my parents voted for when I was 2. She’s more concerned with watching Paw Patrol.
I’m pretty sure that question was meant to spark some self-reflection—as in, given the fact that you have a daughter, how would you explain to her that you voted several times over for a loathsome asshole who demeans all women at every opportunity, and who directly and indirectly negatively impacts the lives of women via his policy positions.
Your parents voted for Reagan, GHW Bush, Jesse Helms, Lauch Faircloth, Jim Martin, and Jim Gardner.
Actually my dad didn’t become a Republican until he got into the real world and gained some life experience. He’s mentioned he was more liberal when he was younger - in other words a pretty typical arc of ideology throughout his life. So I know for sure he didn’t vote for Reagan. I think he voted for Clinton the 2nd time but not the 1st time. Not positive.
I’m pretty sure that question was meant to spark some self-reflection—as in, given the fact that you have a daughter, how would you explain to her that you voted several times over for a loathsome asshole who demeans all women at every opportunity, and who directly and indirectly negatively impacts the lives of women via his policy positions.
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Actually my dad didn’t become a Republican until he got into the real world and gained some life experience. He’s mentioned he was more liberal when he was younger - in other words a pretty typical arc of ideology throughout his life. So I know for sure he didn’t vote for Reagan. I think he voted for Clinton the 2nd time but not the 1st time. Not positive.
Ah…..the old “he got work experience and became a conservative” myth.
Not to get too far head of ourselves… but just to speculate and play a little game: who will be in Kamala’s Cabinet?
I'd love to see Obama in any cabinet role. He'd be great as Sec. of State or Defense. Or AG. Has a former president ever done such a thing? Is it even possible given the chain of command and the possibility that a former 2 term president could potentially become president again (which is Constitutionally illegal)?