2024 Presidential Election | 44 Days to Election Day

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I have the very best words! Many people are saying it. People come up to me all the time, great big strong men with tears in their eyes and they say 'sir, how do you have the best words of all time, maybe ever? You're such a stable genius, sir, we wish we had words as good as you.'

I have the very best words! Many people are saying it. People come up to me all the time, great big strong men with tears in their eyes and they say 'sir, how do you have the best words of all time, maybe ever? You're such a stable genius, sir, we wish we had words as good as you.'

Said it before but the thing I hate most about Trump is how much hate he fills me with because he's just such a uniquely awful human being.

“… In the pandemic-era programs, now mostly expired or reduced, Ms. Harris and other Democrats found reinforcement of their faith in the government’s power to ameliorate hardship. If elected, she would seek to sustain or expand many of them, including subsidies for food, health care and housing, and revive a change to the child tax credit that essentially created a guaranteed income for families with children. Those policies helped temporarily cut the poverty rate by more than half from prepandemic levels.

She backs a $15 federal minimum wage, which Republicans have fought, and is a vocal supporter of programs like subsidized child care and paid family leave meant to help balance work and family.

Mr. Trump says little about his role in pandemic-era poverty programs, which many Republicans view as having been excessive and fraud-ridden. Instead, he touts his 2017 tax cuts, which he credits for boosting the economy and reducing poverty to a prepandemic low, and he has vowed to extend them when they expire next year. Most of the direct benefit from those cuts went to corporations and the wealthy.

Mr. Trump’s poverty plans are otherwise vague, but his record is one of animosity toward the programs Ms. Harris would defend or expand. He sought to remove millions of people from Medicaid and food stamps, many of them low-wage workers. He has sought to reduce the number of people with subsidized housing and raise their rents. …”
yeah, what in the actual f*ck? why was that allowed?!
The picture that was posted earlier (goofy Trump with his stupid thumbs-up) may have been at Arlington, but it definitely didn't look like the the tomb of the unknown solider.
fair enough, that is definitely the tomb. The earlier picture wasn't. Shocking they allowed it.
The picture that was posted earlier (goofy Trump with his stupid thumbs-up) may have been at Arlington, but it definitely didn't look like the the tomb of the unknown solider.
There was a picture before that one that showed him laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. It’s in this thread.

ETA: Calheel beat me to it
It’s a disingenuous headline imo, the piece is all about how he can attack Harris. It has nothing to do with Trump selling his own character.
It's also a guest op-ed by the editor of the National Review. I suspect the headline was some editor's jab at him. It's a lot more embarrassing for him than the Times.
I keep running into Trump voters who say "I wish WE had a better choice in the Presidential Election".

I look at them and say......."Oh really? Well we need to figure out who keeps voting for Trump in election after election and maybe that would lead to better choices?"
Ding, ding, ding!