2024 Presidential Election | 44 Days to Election Day

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Someone has to honor the 13 and the current admin certainly will not. Glad Trump created a moment and honored the soldiers and families.

By the way, nice new site. Does it come with Snoops lifetime bans for republicans? I sure hope not. I enjoy reading and occasionally responding when the subject gets my attention as this one does. It was an absolute failure of leadership.
Are you typically a big fan of graveside “thumbs up” pictures or just when it’s a Trump photo op?
Two posts and clearly nothing to see here. Goodbye. Ignore.
Yep, as I suspected there are many here who only want to hear the echo chamber.

2 posts here, but 20 plus years on IC before Snoop banned me. NC resident, Combat Vet, UNC lifelong fan currently paying kids tuition in the UNC system. But you go ahead and ignore, my opinions don’t matter to a partisan hack like you. Bye.
Oh there we go, same ole zzlp responses. Lots of substance there bucko. Go ahead and call me a troll, magat, all the “ist” words…. You have about as much substance as Kamala.
That you think your post had any substance says it all.

Trump had no exit plan, dumbass. He’s as much to blame for the deaths as—if not more so than— Biden. He intentionally sacrificed American lives to leave Biden holding the bag.

And give me a break about this photo op being any sort of show of honor or respect for the dead. Trump has repeatedly shat on service members and those wounded/killed in action. He couldn’t care less—as evidenced by the fact that he broke military codes and laws for this shitty photo op.

Seriously, fuck right off. Trump and his team are scum. And you lick their boots.
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That you think your post had any substance says it all.

Trump had no exit plan, dumbass. He’s as much to blame for the deaths as—if not more so than— Biden. He intentionally sacrificed American lives to leave Biden holding the bag.

And give me a break about this photo op being any sort of show honor or respect the dead. Trump has repeatedly shat on service members and those wounded/killed in action.

Seriously, fuck right off. Trump and his team are scum. And you lick their boots.
That may be the most uneducated response I have ever seen. Trump and many military people repeatedly said the exit should have been from Bagram Air Base. Everyone evacuates before the military and then the military leaves last. AND, most experts agreed that we should never abandon Bagram and should have kept it. Now China is in control of that air base, the longest runway in the Middle East, and the Taliban has $87M worth of our equipment. I disagreed with Trump about leaving that air base and think we should have kept a force there to keep it. BUT, his plan was to eventually leave through that air base with security. NOT from a freaking international airport with the Taliban in charge of our security. That wa San absolute failure of leadership!!!!

Why didn’t Kamala or Biden honor the 13? Because they are embarrassed about it!
That may be the most uneducated response I have ever seen. Trump and many military people repeatedly said the exit should have been from Bagram Air Base. Everyone evacuates before the military and then the military leaves last. AND, most experts agreed that we should never abandon Bagram and should have kept it. Now China is in control of that air base, the longest runway in the Middle East, and the Taliban has $87M worth of our equipment. I disagreed with Trump about leaving that air base and think we should have kept a force there to keep it. BUT, his plan was to eventually leave through that air base with security. NOT from a freaking international airport with the Taliban in charge of our security. That wa San absolute failure of leadership!!!!

Why didn’t Kamala or Biden honor the 13? Because they are embarrassed about it!
That may be the most uneducated response I have ever seen. Trump and many military people repeatedly said the exit should have been from Bagram Air Base. Everyone evacuates before the military and then the military leaves last. AND, most experts agreed that we should never abandon Bagram and should have kept it. Now China is in control of that air base, the longest runway in the Middle East, and the Taliban has $87M worth of our equipment. I disagreed with Trump about leaving that air base and think we should have kept a force there to keep it. BUT, his plan was to eventually leave through that air base with security. NOT from a freaking international airport with the Taliban in charge of our security. That wa San absolute failure of leadership!!!!

Why didn’t Kamala or Biden honor the 13? Because they are embarrassed about it!
Correction $87B not $87M
Correction $87B not $87M
ah, you mean the worthless/defunct/decommissioned equipment? Cool.

And why did Trump cut the Taliban out of negotiations? Seems like their buy-in would be pretty key. But I guess if you don’t really care if the deal is successful—if you’re just doing it for show and intend to leave the next guy holding the bag—it’s a pretty good strategy.
I c
Honoring them sounds nice, a political photo op, not so much. Your post mentioned “the 13,” did Trump stop by the gravesites for any of the 65 who died in Afghanistan while he was President?
How many died under Obama and Biden?
ah, you mean the worthless/defunct/decommissioned equipment? Cool.

And why did Trump cut the Taliban out of negotiations? Seems like their buy-in would be pretty key. But I guess if you don’t really care if the deal is successful—if you’re just doing it for show and intend to leave the next guy holding the bag—it’s a pretty good strategy.
All of that equipment was not defunct and decommissioned. BUT, let’s say you are right. Trumps plan was to
leave from that air base securely and then bomb it as we left so the Taliban couldn’t use that equipment and so another foe ….ie China couldn’t use the air base. Biden and Kamala were and are too stupid to even understand what they did, Arm the Taliban and give China strategic territory.
Heelscape is a sad weird dude that came out to try and espouse the dumb ass Trump/Fox News crap to a crowd that can actually read and write. He's frustrated that his ignorance doesn't hunt well amongst more enlightened game. Alas I'm afraid he's destined for the "super ignore" function in spite of his entertainment value.
All of that equipment was not defunct and decommissioned. BUT, let’s say you are right. Trumps plan was to
leave from that air base securely and then bomb it as we left so the Taliban couldn’t use that equipment and so another foe ….ie China couldn’t use the air base. Biden and Kamala were and are too stupid to even understand what they did, Arm the Taliban and give China strategic territory.
Please provide any proof of Trumps master plan.

And this still doesn’t answer why you’d cut one of the 2 main parties out of the negotiation. Doing so obviously pisses that party off and makes them far more likely to retaliate—which they did. Leading to 13 dead Americans.

Your godking has blood on his hands, no matter how much you try to excuse him.