2024 Presidential Election | 45 Days to Election Day

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Plus, Trump wanted to pull out of Afghanistan, but, like most things in his life, he failed to get it done.

Some real revisionist history here.
MAGA logic:

MAGA - “Biden didn’t win the election. Trump is still in charge. He controls the military and they’re running the country.”

Normal - “But you blamed Biden for Afghanistan? Does that make it Trump’s fault?”

MAGA - “No. Trump didn’t do that, Biden did.”

Normal - “Okay … so Biden isn’t running. Kamala is the new candidate. What’s your thoughts on her?”

MAGA - “Well she was in the war room and caused the chaos during the Afghanistan withdrawal. It’s HER fault.”

Normal - “But you said it was Biden’s fault a moment ago, and that Trump controlled the military. How is it on Kamala?”

MAGA - “Listen. Do your own damn research. You watch too much fake news!”
It’s a funny thing — he actually said he is suspending his campaign in some key swing states so not to play spoiler in those states but remaining on the ballot elsewhere in case some event happens where he could win the election somehow.
So he's like trump, his statements are the opposite of reality.
Good debate on the last episode of PSA about what’s crazier -

1. Brain-eating worm;

2. Driving a dead bear cub to Central Park and staging a bike accident;

3. Taking a whale head home from vacation by tying it to the top of the car with the windows open.

I really don’t think you can go wrong. Unless you’re Trump, in which case you embrace all of them.
Working behind the backs of the environmental group he took over in a coup to undermine endangered species laws so that his falconeering buddies could buy rare hawks legally.

Trump to Put Kennedy and Gabbard on his Transition Team​

Mr. Kennedy and Ms. Gabbard, who had been progressive Democrats for many years, will join the former president’s sons and Senator JD Vance, his running mate, as honorary co-chairs.
I realize I am in a different life stage than you, but my perspective on it is that it is a very good problem to have. My mentality is that I would much rather be in a position where I am having to pay more taxes because I have more income and assets, than the opposite. My household would in all probability be one of the ones that would theoretically see the 44.6% top marginal income tax rate in 2026 under a Harris presidency, and I personally view it as a price well worth paying if it means that we have an administration that will finally tackle the immigration and border security problem, will continue to choke out Russia and other autocratic dictatorships, will continue to strengthen our democratic allies abroad, will codify bodily autonomy, etc.

My wife and I have a couple of close friends from medical school who are a dual physician couple in two of the highest paying specialties, clearing about $1 million a year between the two of them combined. The husband, with whom I am especially close, is constantly complaining about his tax bill over the last year since they have been full-time attendings. I’m like, dude, you make $1 million per year. Even if you are clearing, say, $600,000, you are not going to find too terribly many people in our country who feel the slightest bit sorry for you.
I blame this on the constant discussions of how bad taxes are, how they are illegal or how we get nothing from our tax dollars.

Countries where people really understand what they get from their tax dollars don't have this same issue. People don't mind the taxes as they see the benefits.

My wife was discussing our SPLOST tax yesterday, with some ignorant maga types. These idiots complain about the roads, the schools, basically everything county government is responsible for, yet they vote against giving the county government the revenues to do what they want the government to do.

Trump to Put Kennedy and Gabbard on his Transition Team​

Mr. Kennedy and Ms. Gabbard, who had been progressive Democrats for many years, will join the former president’s sons and Senator JD Vance, his running mate, as honorary co-chairs.
Of all the absolutely insane news that has come from Team Trump this cycle, that headline may take the cake. It’s a spectacular melange of nepotism, lack of meritorious qualification, and just damn weirdness.

Trump to Put Kennedy and Gabbard on his Transition Team​

Mr. Kennedy and Ms. Gabbard, who had been progressive Democrats for many years, will join the former president’s sons and Senator JD Vance, his running mate, as honorary co-chairs.
Not sure Gabbard was ever progressive, but that’s the NYT for ya.
Not asking for pity or really even complaining … I’m voting for the policies because I can see beyond my personal tax bill.

I will add that when you pay quarterly tax payments, including FICA and the Obamacare surcharge (rather than having taxes deducted from each paycheck) you really perceive the amount of the taxes. It is what it is.
Wait you are not the center of the universe? All government activities don't revolve around how much they can milk you for? 🤪 🤪

Personally, I believe we get a lot for our tax dollars. I do believe we could get more if we focused on citizens well being before military. Hopefully we will see a transition in that direction when Kamala wins.
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"Many people are saying to me, sir, sir, you're the hottest president ever, maybe the hottest president in all of history, you're hearing it more and more. Some are even saying I'm hotter than Jack Kennedy ever was, I don't know, but you're hearing it more and more. A great big strong man with tears in his eyes came up to me and said sir, sir, how come you're the hottest person to ever run for office in this country? Sir, you make Brad Pitt jealous, sir! Nobody has ever been hotter than you, sir!"
My wife was discussing our SPLOST tax yesterday, with some ignorant maga types. These idiots complain about the roads, the schools, basically everything county government is responsible for, yet they vote against giving the county government the revenues to do what they want the government to do.
I live in NC not too far from the SC border.

The best way I know to show folks the value of taxes is to drive into SC and let them see how the roads immediately turn to crap as soon as you cross the state line.
So, you're voting Harris?

I will admit that Biden Trump wasn't inspirational to me, even though I believe Biden's term was successful, but I was going to vote against the worst presidential candidate of all time, trump, no question.
I’m not voting for Harris personally, because my vote wasn’t ever against “Biden” or “Clinton” but rather against the Democratic agenda at the national level.

I’ve never said that I’m the precise swing voter in the entire country, but I can still acknowledge that there are swing voters who think pretty similarly to me that will vote Harris over Trump but would’ve gone Trump over Biden. I’m not there myself but I see where those people are coming from.

As someone who is planning on splitting my ticket almost 50/50 this November, I do think I’m a little more in tune with some of the swing voters and fence sitters than most of the people who post here are. It’s just that I’ve already paid close attention to politics this cycle long before the “average” person tunes in, so I’ve already got my choices made in most races whereas other swing voters are still making theirs.

I do think Harris will be a lot better president the next 4 years than Biden would’ve been, so I’m happy the Democrats forced Biden out despite the fact that it harms Trump’s chances. I would rather roll the dice on a 60% Harris 40% Trump election rather than a 70% Trump 30% Biden election, because Biden was embarrassing.
I’m not voting for Harris personally, because my vote wasn’t ever against “Biden” or “Clinton” but rather against the Democratic agenda at the national level.

I’ve never said that I’m the precise swing voter in the entire country, but I can still acknowledge that there are swing voters who think pretty similarly to me that will vote Harris over Trump but would’ve gone Trump over Biden. I’m not there myself but I see where those people are coming from.

As someone who is planning on splitting my ticket almost 50/50 this November, I do think I’m a little more in tune with some of the swing voters and fence sitters than most of the people who post here are. It’s just that I’ve already paid close attention to politics this cycle long before the “average” person tunes in, so I’ve already got my choices made in most races whereas other swing voters are still making theirs.

I do think Harris will be a lot better president the next 4 years than Biden would’ve been, so I’m happy the Democrats forced Biden out despite the fact that it harms Trump’s chances. I would rather roll the dice on a 60% Harris 40% Trump election rather than a 70% Trump 30% Biden election, because Biden was embarrassing.
And yet you vote Trump, the single most incapable, embarrassing candidate in history and cited as THE worst POTUS of all time by historians. This, amongst many things, is why nobody takes you seriously.
I do think Harris will be a lot better president the next 4 years than Biden would’ve been, so I’m happy the Democrats forced Biden out despite the fact that it harms Trump’s chances. I would rather roll the dice on a 60% Harris 40% Trump election rather than a 70% Trump 30% Biden election, because Biden was embarrassing.
Dude, you're still going to be talking about Biden in 2044...
And yet you vote Trump, the single most incapable, embarrassing candidate in history and cited as THE worst POTUS of all time by historians. This, amongst many things, is why nobody takes you seriously.
Gentle request for a moratorium on any further discussion of HY’s presidential vote. It’s been beaten to death and is no more interesting now than it was 1000 iterations ago.