2024 Presidential Election | 45 Days to Election Day

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Yep, as I suspected there are many here who only want to hear the echo chamber.

2 posts here, but 20 plus years on IC before Snoop banned me. NC resident, Combat Vet, UNC lifelong fan currently paying kids tuition in the UNC system. But you go ahead and ignore, my opinions don’t matter to a partisan hack like you. Bye.
Trump literally thinks your family is shit on his shoes
It's definitely fun to toy with the board Trumpers, but ultimately I think it's important to remember that trying to get them to change their mind, or to see how and why they are maintaining an erratically inconsistent and incongruous belief system, is a fool's errand. Just point and laugh. Here on this thread we have one of them likely lying about being a combat veteran or having combat veteran family members while playing lickspittle to a guy whose latest act of displaying revulsion for the U.S. military is to have his campaign staff physically abuse Army civilian staff at Arlington National Cemetery so that he can take a campaign photo for Instagram while grinning like a Cheshire cat and sticking his thumb up over the grave of someone who laid down her life to defend the United States of America abroad.
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The thing that is so telling is how salty and pissy they still are about the moderating on the old ZZLP and how liberal that board was. Poor widdle Trumper posters just couldn't get a break and were victims over there! They just can't get past it and are still obsessed with it. All of which only confirms my longstanding belief that one of the prime motivating forces in Trumpism is resentment and pettiness. It just flows from Trumpers like bad water from a mountain spring.
Agree. I was late to the game over on IC ZZLP (even though I had been on IC for well over 20 years) but when I arrived there were hardly any - if any - Pubs poasting. I thought it curious until I realized the Pubs had all been embarrassed into submission because their arguments were baseless, their theories were all conspiratorial and the mods were not going to suffer fools lightly.

But yeah, like their fearless leader, the trumpers over there (and now here) are simply full of vengeful rage and are out for retaliation at all costs with no real policy plan to "trumpet" - pun intended.
Agree. I was late to the game over on IC ZZLP (even though I had been on IC for well over 20 years) but when I arrived there were hardly any - if any - Pubs poasting. I thought it curious until I realized the Pubs had all been embarrassed into submission because their arguments were baseless, their theories were all conspiratorial and the mods were not going to suffer fools lightly.

But yeah, like their fearless leader, the trumpers over there (and now here) are simply full of vengeful rage and are out for retaliation at all costs with no real policy plan to "trumpet" - pun intended.
Yep. That's why you just have to make fun of them and laugh at them. I tried for years and then just finally gave up a while back in trying to have any semblance of a reasonable debate or discourse with them. They don't want that. They just want to pretend to be victimized by some anonymous dude on some internet message board forum who calls himself "SnoopRob."
"I, , do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God".

How can anyone swear this oath and then support Donald Trump? I don't get it, and I find it utterly disgusting and craven.
I’m not voting for Harris personally, because my vote wasn’t ever against “Biden” or “Clinton” but rather against the Democratic agenda at the national level.
What do you consider to be the "Republican agenda the national level"? In my experience you consider the "Democratic agenda at the national level" to be whatever the farthest left Democrat has ever claimed they want to do, as opposed to what's actually in the platform or what legislation is actually passed. Do you apply that same standard to Republicans, who have a much more vocal and powerful far-right power base than any left-wing equivalent? Do you actually agree with the things Trump says he wants to do? Does he even actually have an "agenda" at all? Do Republicans have any legislative plan whatsoever on health care, immigration, infrastructure, tax code reform, etc?

A vote for Trump is simply a vote for congressional inertia on the critical issues facing our country while Trump issues executive orders ranging from meaningless to unconstitutional on whatever comes to mind on any given day. Meanwhile the parade of goons, crooks, and morons that will staff his administration will be running around stealing anything that isn't tied down and ignoring whatever job they're supposed to be doing. Is that seriously how you want the government to run? Do you seriously want the people who are going to staff a second Trump administration - the toadies and ideologues who are still around after almost every single other previous cabinet appointee has rightfully abandoned him - in charge of the federal government?

I just find it utterly bizarre that you will consistently return to "fear of the national Democratic agenda" as the primary, if not only, motivation for backing Trump, without any effort to seriously engage with what Trump's agenda is or would be in contrast.
It's definitely fun to toy with the board Trumpers, but ultimately I think it's important to remember that trying to get them to change their mind, or to see how and why they are maintaining an erratically inconsistent and incongruous belief system, is a fool's errand. Just point and laugh. Here on this thread we have one of them likely lying about being a combat veteran or having combat veteran family members while playing lickspittle to a guy whose latest act of displaying revulsion for the U.S. military is to have his campaign staff physically abuse Army civilian staff at Arlington National Cemetery so that he can take a campaign photo for Instagram while grinning like a Cheshire cat and sticking his thumb up over the grave of someone who laid down his life to defend the United States of America abroad.
Laid down her life, other than that no edits - all truth
What do you consider to be the "Republican agenda the national level"? In my experience you consider the "Democratic agenda at the national level" to be whatever the farthest left Democrat has ever claimed they want to do, as opposed to what's actually in the platform or what legislation is actually passed. Do you apply that same standard to Republicans, who have a much more vocal and powerful far-right power base than any left-wing equivalent? Do you actually agree with the things Trump says he wants to do? Does he even actually have an "agenda" at all? Do Republicans have any legislative plan whatsoever on health care, immigration, infrastructure, tax code reform, etc?

A vote for Trump is simply a vote for congressional inertia on the critical issues facing our country while Trump issues executive orders ranging from meaningless to unconstitutional on whatever comes to mind on any given day. Meanwhile the parade of goons, crooks, and morons that will staff his administration will be running around stealing anything that isn't tied down and ignoring whatever job they're supposed to be doing. Is that seriously how you want the government to run? Do you seriously want the people who are going to staff a second Trump administration - the toadies and ideologues who are still around after almost every single other previous cabinet appointee has rightfully abandoned him - in charge of the federal government?

I just find it utterly bizarre that you will consistently return to "fear of the national Democratic agenda" as the primary, if not only, motivation for backing Trump, without any effort to seriously engage with what Trump's agenda is or would be in contrast.
I wish you the best in this line of dialogue, but you will likely find it fruitless. HY2012 seems to willfully ignore all the crazy policy proposals that Trump or his peons propose, and HY2012 instead believes that Trump will actually implement an effective policy that is in conflict with what he just said. So you can go through all of Trump's policies, and HY2012 may even acknowledge that they are ill-advised, but this won't change his mind for inexplicable reasons.
It's definitely fun to toy with the board Trumpers, but ultimately I think it's important to remember that trying to get them to change their mind, or to see how and why they are maintaining an erratically inconsistent and incongruous belief system, is a fool's errand. Just point and laugh. Here on this thread we have one of them likely lying about being a combat veteran or having combat veteran family members while playing lickspittle to a guy whose latest act of displaying revulsion for the U.S. military is to have his campaign staff physically abuse Army civilian staff at Arlington National Cemetery so that he can take a campaign photo for Instagram while grinning like a Cheshire cat and sticking his thumb up over the grave of someone who laid down his life to defend the United States of America abroad.
Our chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan was definitely a black eye at the time for Biden. However, he should also get credit for getting us out of that mess. And no doubt that Trump had a chance to do that as well, but simply kicked the can down the road to make the next administration do the hard work. That being said, I have no problem with an honest discussion on what could have been done better during the withdrawal itself.

However, despite what he might think of the withdrawal process itself, I would ask what the poster thinks of several Generals (all from within his administration, and all that he picked) claiming that Trump is a moron and does not possess the proper intellect to lead this nation. Or his thoughts on Trump's disparaging remarks to many members of the military. As a former military member myself, I have zero respect for someone who dodged the draft, and has consistently put down those who honorably served, and sometimes gave their lives in the process. I have a funny feeling that if audio came out of Kamala Harris saying these things, our esteemed poster would not be quite so sanguine about her comments.
I haven't seen this posted anywhere. For a number of reasons, I think this is a big deal.

I'm not so sure. I think this absolutely is red meat to the extremely online, hyper-partisan sorts who already are in the bag for Trump. Zuck is really just joining a wave of hyper online, AI-pushing, crypto-friendly tech bros who see Trump as a vehicle for their own enrichment (through less regulation of AI/crypto, easier admin to manipulate, etc). It certainly is disappointing to see Zuck do this, and essentially bail on his past reputation as one of the few tech billionaires who was willing to be somewhat normal about everything, but I'm not sure it will really do much either way for swing voters, who generally aren't nearly as online as people like Elon Musk seem to think everyone is.

BTW I'm sure the "pressuring" of Facebook to remove COVID misinformation is very similar to the sorts of communications that were already revealed in the "Twitter Files" that fizzled after Musk built it up so much - just minor government officials trying to do their job, not some shadowy "deep state" operatives trying to kill free speech.
I wish you the best in this line of dialogue, but you will likely find it fruitless. HY2012 seems to willfully ignore all the crazy policy proposals that Trump or his peons propose, and HY2012 instead believes that Trump will actually implement an effective policy that is in conflict with what he just said. So you can go through all of Trump's policies, and HY2012 may even acknowledge that they are ill-advised, but this won't change his mind for inexplicable reasons.
His goal is engagement. He says things like trump will implement plans contrary to trumps words because he knows people on here will try to prove him wrong. Super ignore is the only viable solution. You can win an argument/ shame someone into admitting a mistake/ convert them / have them cop to hypocrisy when their sole goal is attention. The minute the reply button is hit, you get have won. It doesn’t matter what is typed after that.