2024 Presidential Election | 45 Days to Election Day

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Our chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan was definitely a black eye at the time for Biden. However, he should also get credit for getting us out of that mess. . . ..
I agree with your entire post but quoted this particular section too emphasize one particular point. Joe Biden did not create a catastrophe in Afghanistan. Joe Biden ended a catastrophe in Afghanistan that the previous three Presidents, both R & D, had created. Ending a catastrophe is never a painless procedure, but it does require the resolve to admit that something is a catastrophe. And none of Joe's three predecessors were willing to take the political hit that always ensues when ending a catastrophe.
You tell me why we left from Kabul intl and then I will actually take the time to reply to your post. Until then, nothing else matters. DON’T LEAVE FROM AN INTL AIRPORT WHEN YOU HAVE THE BIGGEST SECURED AIR BASE IN THE REGION!
I’m pretty happy we’re out of Afghanistan, aren’t you? Would you argue that if we had stayed there wouldn’t have been further loss of life, 13 and beyond? Or is your argument that we could have pulled out with no loss of life at all? Because that’s not credible either. Regardless Joe did the right thing and we are out of that godforsaken country.
I'm not so sure. I think this absolutely is red meat to the extremely online, hyper-partisan sorts who already are in the bag for Trump. Zuck is really just joining a wave of hyper online, AI-pushing, crypto-friendly tech bros who see Trump as a vehicle for their own enrichment (through less regulation of AI/crypto, easier admin to manipulate, etc). It certainly is disappointing to see Zuck do this, and essentially bail on his past reputation as one of the few tech billionaires who was willing to be somewhat normal about everything, but I'm not sure it will really do much either way for swing voters, who generally aren't nearly as online as people like Elon Musk seem to think everyone is.

BTW I'm sure the "pressuring" of Facebook to remove COVID misinformation is very similar to the sorts of communications that were already revealed in the "Twitter Files" that fizzled after Musk built it up so much - just minor government officials trying to do their job, not some shadowy "deep state" operatives trying to kill free speech.
Zuckerberg has been a big public Dem supporter, especially financially. We can debate whether or not the obvious power imbalance between the federal government and Facebook makes it inappropriate for the government to even ask, but this essentially confirms a semi-conspiracy theory on the Right.

When Trump won in 2016, I think a lot of it had to do with some of Dem party issues. Cancel culture/wokeness and an inclination to label racist at the drop of a hat.

When the federal government appears to be using it's power to coerce private companies into doing their bidding, when there's no law to back it up, I can see it being a problem, particularly if satire and humor were included.
AKA we effed up
I know he HAS to say that but I hope it hurt his brain a little to say the man who denigrated John McCains' service, covered the name on the back of a destroyer so he didn't have to read MCCain, didn't attend his funeral as president at the time when all other living presidents did, insulted gold star parents, said the medal of honor isn't as good as the medal of freedom, is actively trying to smear a 24 year veteran, had bone spurs so bad he couldn't serve when his country called when he was in his 20s but can play golf every day at age 80 with the same heels 'supports our veterans'.
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Zuckerberg has been a big public Dem supporter, especially financially. We can debate whether or not the obvious power imbalance between the federal government and Facebook makes it inappropriate for the government to even ask, but this essentially confirms a semi-conspiracy theory on the Right.

When Trump won in 2016, I think a lot of it had to do with some of Dem party issues. Cancel culture/wokeness and an inclination to label racist at the drop of a hat.

When the federal government appears to be using it's power to coerce private companies into doing their bidding, when there's no law to back it up, I can see it being a problem, particularly if satire and humor were included.
I understand but my point is that the "ask" isn't new information. We already knew the government "asked" social media sites to limit things like vaccine propaganda from the Twitter files. You can look at those emails that were published (which I will note were the ones specifically selected by Elon Musk in an attempt to make Twitter and the government look bad) and see if you think they evidence abuse of government power. I'm pretty sure no one other than right-wing grifters cares about the Twitter files anymore. And there's no reason to believe what happened with Facebook is any different than Twitter.

Don't get me wrong, it's bad for Dems, I just don't think it will have anything close to "James Comey"-level consequences.
I am starting to think that if Snoop doesn’t ban me, or the new version of Snoop, whoever that is, doesn’t ban me, that you all probably need me here. Obviously you are only seeing 50% of the news.

Is it me against the World and Snoop's Deep State?

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