2024 Presidential Election | 46 Days to Election Day

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Oldie but a goodie

People who don't vote: "My vote won't make a difference and there's no difference between the candidates on the ballot." I don't know how to respond to such an attitude. My immediate reaction when I hear something like it is, "Are you stupid?" If it takes someone like Trump to move the "Stupid Majority" to vote, then America deserves whatever befalls it. And I will be sad if I lives long enough to see it happen and I will also be ashamed if it happens after all the sacrifices my mother and father and my grandparents made to hand me the life I have on a silver platter.

Because I turned 18 before the 1972 election, I first voted when I was a 17 year old senior in high school in the 1972 primaries. I never missed a single general election or primary after that. Even when I was in the Army in West Germany, I cast an absentee ballot in the primary and general elections. But I will admit my primary motivation for voting (and paying state income taxes) while in the Army was to preserve all possible arguments for why I was still entitled to in-state tuition rates.
It’s one of the many stunning aspects of how Trump has reoriented the Republican Party that they now align themselves with communist Russia.
This Arlington thing has gotten out of control — a few things in this clip:

* asked whether his campaign should have released the video and photos from Arlington, Trump diverts to what is really bothering him … “we have a lot of people, you know TikTik people, you know we’re leading the internet, that was the other thing we’re so far above her on the internet …”

* To her credit, reporter interrupts and refocuses on the question she asked — Arlington. And a cornered Trump offers up some doozies, including claiming that he doesn’t know the rules, the gold star families are to blame for publishing the images and that the while thing is a set-up:

T: “Well I don’t know what the rules and regulations are, I don’t know who did it, and (pause) I think it coulda been them [like he just thought up a lie and thought it up quick], it coulda been the parents, it coulda been somebody …”

Reporter interrupts: It was your campaign’s TikTok though that put out the video

T: “OK, I really don’t know anything about it. All I do is I stood there and I said ‘If you’d like to have a picture, we can have a picture.’ If somebody did it (changes tone mid-sentence) this was a set-up by, uh, people in the Administration that ‘oh, Trump is coming to Arlington, that looks so bad for us…’”

My God. Aren’t we better than this as a nation? How can anyone with even a modicum of American pride or self respect ever consider voting for this assclown at this point. There is no reasonable explanation. No excuse plausible enough. Anyone actually thinking about voting for this batshit crazy ticket should probably reconsider procreation, for the sake of humanity.
Tulsi gabbard is a disingenuous lying
My God. Aren’t we better than this as a nation? How can anyone with even a modicum of American pride or self respect ever consider voting for this assclown at this point. There is no reasonable explanation. No excuse plausible enough. Anyone actually thinking about voting for this batshit crazy ticket should probably reconsider procreation, for the sake of humanity.
Tulsi Gabbard was just on CNN lying lying lying about this. 'Campaign had permission to film this historic event'

Bash- Will the campaign release this permission?

Tulsi- I was told they already had.

Bash- The army says you did not.
I hope you don’t think Russia is still communist. MAGA aligns with Russia because they’re a model for oligarchic rule that many want to follow at home.
It’s a good point. Still the communist party led by Putin controls everything, he just finds the oligarch system benefits his goals. We’ve seen that as Putin exerts his power over any of the oligarchs that haven’t toed the line in the Ukraine war. But you are correct it is no longer purely communist.
It’s a good point. Still the communist party led by Putin controls everything, he just finds the oligarch system benefits his goals. We’ve seen that as Putin exerts his power over any of the oligarchs that haven’t toed the line in the Ukraine war. But you are correct it is no longer purely communist.
Putin doesn’t lead the communist party in Russia, and little about their current government is communist.

Orban in Hungary is also a model for this system of illiberal democracy.

A strongman who embraces oligarchs and the Orthodox Church doesn’t scream communism. Putin wants Tsarist Russia back more than anything.
Putin doesn’t lead the communist party in Russia, and little about their current government is communist.

Orban in Hungary is also a model for this system of illiberal democracy.

A strongman who embraces oligarchs and the Orthodox Church doesn’t scream communism. Putin wants Tsarist Russia back more than anything.
What’s your take on “illiberal democracy”?
Tulsi gabbard is a disingenuous lying

Tulsi Gabbard was just on CNN lying lying lying about this. 'Campaign had permission to film this historic event'

Bash- Will the campaign release this permission?

Tulsi- I was told they already had.

Bash- The army says you did not.
Tom cotton who apparently actually served at Arlington sacrifices a piece of whatever soul he has trying to defend this shit on meet the press.
It appears that the Trump campaign has been so ineffective in curbing Kamala's momentum that they have decided to hurl lies about her with the hope of baiting her into defensive responses. I doubt that she will take the bait.
It appears that the Trump campaign has been so ineffective in curbing Kamala's momentum that they have decided to hurl lies about her with the hope of baiting her into defensive responses. I doubt that she will take the bait.
They’ve fully shifted to the mode of “depress Dem/independent turnout as much as possible.” It looks like they know they’re completely capped out on who they can draw to their side. That means Kamala gets to be on offense alone, and that’s a great position to be at this point in the race. Avoid major mistakes and she’ll be in great shape.