2024 Presidential Election | 46 Days to Election Day

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Grandma and Grandpa have better things to do these days.

Jesus. As if many couples having kids have not been forced to ask their parents or grandparents for help because daycare is so damn expensive. I know young couples that have given up jobs they loved and moved back to their hometown because of a pregnancy and they simply couldn't afford daycare where they lived, so they moved back to their hometown so their parents and grandparents could help with childcare. But Vance no doubt thinks that he just came up with a brilliant idea that no one has thought of before. Just continues the GOP pattern of "We're going to make you have this baby, but when it's born you're on your own." And then they wonder why the birthrate is down.

Mea culpa from me for laughing off some media hesitancy to view him as a MAGA cultist under the available information… I was wrong.

Trump to Adopt Elon Musk’s Proposal for Government Efficiency Commission​

Former president also to reiterate calls for lower corporate tax rate and steep regulation cuts​

“… The commission would conduct “a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government” and make “recommendations for drastic reform,” the Republican former president plans to say in an appearance before the Economic Club of New York. The goal would be to identify ways to eliminate fraud and improper payments, according to portions of the speech viewed by The Wall Street Journal.

The former president has long taken aim at the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, which called for spending hundreds of billions of dollars to affect a swath of climate, healthcare and tax policies. In his speech, Trump plans to say he would rescind all unspent funds under the law. His campaign didn’t provide specifics, but the threat has alarmed Democrats. The White House, for example, is racing to lend moneyunder a clean-energy program that has faced criticism for moving too slowly.

There was more than $50 billion in unspent IRA funds at the Internal Revenue Service alone as of March 31, according to a government report. If Trump has a Republican Congress, lawmakers would be eager to pull that money back, shrinking the tax agency’s ability to boost enforcement. He would need congressional approval to repeal tax credits under the law. …”
/\ Those are the things he is scripted to say today, TBD how much he stays on script.
I’m not as high on the “win big” projections, but I am standing by my assessment that, barring a truly historic event, Kamala should be strongly favored to win. The electorate is mostly set now, and Trump’s numbers (and potential adds) are just not enough to get a win. Keep pushing, act like we’re the underdogs, all that. But the current numbers are not good at all for Trump.