2024 Presidential Election | 46 Days to Election Day

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Trump ad on wake game just said 'Harris gave us the worst inflation in history'.

So you can just flat out lie now on political ads?

Yep it's BS but they show her casting the deciding vote with no context but the rubes love it. The effing ad implies the vote was for inflation! Just so stupid.
Already crying about cheating before the election to set the stage for another Jan 6 after he loses again.
I’m convinced that if Harris were to garner 450 EV, that piece of shit would still try to steal the election. The Democrats have to be ready on November 6 for whatever that worthless piece of garbage tries to pull. Harris and her team have to be ready because he will stop at nothing to destroy our democracy.
On a side note, the GDP has to be worried about NC. I’m getting 2-3 fliers from them per week now.
I saw my first Trumpy Trout commercial yesterday and was like WTF, I honestly laughed for a half hour . .

Some local party leaders are refusing to follow the Trump campaign’s ground strategy, which relies on an app to identify persuadable voters, pledging to instead use their own approach to decide which homes to visit. Loyal Trump foot soldiers, the local leaders complain, couldn’t even start knocking on doors in August because the campaign hadn’t yet replaced printed material pegged to a rematch against President Biden.

“People should know what’s going on here,” Mark Forton, chairman of the Macomb County Republican Party, recently told Trump supporters during a video appearance with Pannebecker. Forton warned them about flaws in the campaign’s ground game, grousing about being allotted just 250 signs to distribute.

Michigan’s Republican Party has been torn by infighting for more than a year as chamber-of-commerce Republicans gave way to populists who are deeply skeptical of elites and institutions of power. Republicans removed the state party’s chairwoman earlier this year for mismanaging the organization’s finances.

Macomb, which includes a swath of blue-collar suburbs, is one of 20 counties in battleground states that the Trump campaign has identified as vital to retaking the presidency.

Although Trump won more votes in those counties in 2020 than in 2016, the Democrats gained even more votes compared with 2016. Trump’s margin in those counties declined by 686,000 votes. …”
