2024 Presidential Election | 46 Days to Election Day

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I'm a conservative. Always admired Reagan. I don't like the 'woke progressive left', and supported DeSantis in the primary. I know Harris is a lib and never liked her. But last night made it obvious to me that Harris has more respect for our institutions, our cultural norms and for our American traditions than Trump. He's so awful it makes her look Reaganesque.

When Harris said Trump's own generals, his Secretary of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff and National Security Advisor won't support him and say he's dangerously unfit, a disgrace and a wannabe dictator, Trump immediately perked up and went on a weird rant about how Victor Orban, an Eastern European autocrat, loves him and tells him how strong he is and how much he likes him. As much as I already despise him, that turned it up a notch. Unbelievable.

The guy is just completely un-American and has no idea or understanding of what makes our country what it is, what makes a Republic, and what democracy means. He doesn't understand service or the role of a citizen statesman. He truly does admire dictators and autocrats like Xi, Putin, and Orban more than anyone on our own team. He admires the characteristics of tyrants that Americans of historically despised and fought against at every turn.

It is in our shared culture, our American DNA to hate the type of people Trump loves.

We all know he called to terminate the Constitution, and led a seditious fake elector plot and a riot at the capital in an attempt to overturn the election. He's clearly completely insane and unfit. Just blows my mind that anyone is still supporting this treasonous, lying fool. He is so completely un-American.

Lord willing, Harris will beat this fool in a landslide, the GOP can rebuild into more of a party and less of a cult, and we can be done with this sad, sorry chapter in American political history.

This may be supremely significant.

If we assume that debate viewership was roughly representative of the voting public at large (a big assumption admittedly, but I also don't know of a reason why it would be majorly distorted), then a 70-30 split (i.e. a 40 point swing) means that a chunk of his hardcore base (the 35%) has broken away on the reproductive freedom issue.

5% / 35% = 0.143 That would seem to indicate that 14.3% OF HIS MOST HARDCORE BASE agree more with Kamala on Reproductive Freedoms that with Trump. Let that sink in.
This may be supremely significant.

If we assume that debate viewership was roughly representative of the voting public at large (a big assumption admittedly, but I also don't know of a reason why it would be majorly distorted), then a 70-30 split (i.e. a 40 point swing) means that a chunk of his hardcore base (the 35%) has broken away on the reproductive freedom issue.

5% / 35% = 0.143 That would seem to indicate that 14.3% OF HIS MOST HARDCORE BASE agree more with Kamala on Reproductive Freedoms that with Trump. Let that sink in.
The 40 point difference was with undecided voters only, not the hardcore base.
she's a power chaser with absolutely no principles; she just managed to fool a small percentage of Republicans that she had decency compared to Trump. She doesn't - she just dresses it up better.
Nimarata has always been a feather in the wind who is always chasing that vein of pyrite. I witnessed her transactional moral ambiguity up close and personal during her stint as governor of the god-forsaken hellhole I call home. Now the nation can revel in discovering what a squishy jellyfish she's always been.