2024 Presidential Election | 46 Days to Election Day

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My main critique of this article is that while it is true that the word salad cited was a tangent to the question asked by the moderator, it was an attempt at a direct rebuttal of things Harris just said about Trump, which is a common debate strategy.

The rebuttal is still an absolute jumble of thoughts that looks and sounds like random brain firing rather than a coherent response, sure, but I disagree with labeling it tangential thinking based solely on the question asked when it was clearly a response to what Harris just said.
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My main critique of this article is that while it is true that the word salad cited was a tangent to the question asked by the moderator, it was an attempt at a direct rebuttal of things Harris just said about Trump, which is a common debate strategy.

The rebuttal is still an absolute jumble of thoughts that looks and sounds like random brain firing rather than a coherent response, sure, but I disagree with labeling it tangential thinking based solely on the question asked when it was clearly a response to what Harris just said.

saw this yesterday.

you're correct about that particular response from him but he still displayed a LOT of cognitively problematic behaviors during the debate.
saw this yesterday.

you're correct about that particular response from him but he still displayed a LOT of cognitively problematic behaviors during the debate.
trump is older, slower, maybe a bit more desperate but still the despicable piece of shit he’s always been. Nothing he did at the debate was a departure from who he is and what we should have expected. He just had someone on the other side who was capable of clear, consistent, smart responses.
Obviously, not a single member of the hard-core MAGA faithful is ever going to vote for Kamala. So what's the strategy, try to convince the hard-core MAGA to stay home and not vote or go after the maybe 10% of Trump voters who are sane to either abstain or vote for Harris? I think a "just sit this one out" strategy would work better. The consequences down the road of actually getting any Republicans, sane or crazy, to vote for Kamala might be troublesome.
trump is older, slower, maybe a bit more desperate but still the despicable piece of shit he’s always been. Nothing he did at the debate was a departure from who he is and what we should have expected. He just had someone on the other side who was capable of clear, consistent, smart responses.
Totally agree. Except I didn’t think he’d actually go there with the Haitian migrants eating people’s pets or blue states allowing infanticide. I figured he’d at least know that that wasn’t the stage for that.
Totally agree. Except I didn’t think he’d actually go there with the Haitian migrants eating people’s pets or blue states allowing infanticide. I figured he’d at least know that that wasn’t the stage for that.
She put his old ass on tilt!
trump is older, slower, maybe a bit more desperate but still the despicable piece of shit he’s always been. Nothing he did at the debate was a departure from who he is and what we should have expected. He just had someone on the other side who was capable of clear, consistent, smart responses.
man, what?

this kind of response/attitude plays right into their hands. we had to endure MONTHS of breathless conjecture about biden's health and now you just wanna let trump off the hook for same?

yes, he's always been unhinged and difficult to follow but he is absolutely deteriorating even further.

read the article. friedman is a renowned psychiatrist/mental health specialist and his points/observations on trump's behavioral patterns during the debate are salient.
man, what?

this kind of response/attitude plays right into their hands. we had to endure MONTHS of breathless conjecture about biden's health and now you just wanna let trump off the hook for same?

yes, he's always been unhinged and difficult to follow but he is absolutely deteriorating even further.

read the article. friedman is a renowned psychiatrist/mental health specialist and his points/observations on trump's behavioral patterns during the debate are salient.
He didn’t seem that different to me. I’ve always thought he was a flaming moron.

I’m not letting him off the hook, that’s just what I saw.
trump is older, slower, maybe a bit more desperate but still the despicable piece of shit he’s always been. Nothing he did at the debate was a departure from who he is and what we should have expected. He just had someone on the other side who was capable of clear, consistent, smart responses.
Yeah, I get the augments about declining mental capacity and I guess there's a case to be made there, but I'm not at all on board with making that case. Because while it's may be valid it takes oxygen away all of the other blatantly in your face reason that are exponentially more import as to why he until to occupy the office of the presidency, to whit:
  • He's an antidemocratic wannabe authoritarian whose goal it is is to end American democracy as we know it.
  • He seeks to access the levers of power by dividing Americans against their fellow Americans.
  • He's a racist POS.
  • He's performatively cruel. With Trump, the cruelty is the point.
To be honest, his metal capacity really has't even diminished that much relative to where it was during his first term. Remember, this is the man who mused if maybe drinking bleach might be an effective public health measure to combat Covid, for Pete's sake!

I think my main objection to this line of argument is that when employed, in isolation at least, to would logically follow that both Biden and Trump are would be equally bad in a holding the office of president in 2024. I mean, you could argue the mental decline was we've witnessed is ballpark the same degree in both candidates.

If you think Biden would make a better POTUS than Trump, then it's likely not based on mental acuity, but rather on something from my list above (or one of the many many other disqualifying factors that I left of that list).

We need to be talking about those things, IMO.
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Yeah, I get the augments about declining mental capacity and I guess there's a case to be made there, but I'm not at all on board with making that case. Because while it's may be valid it takes oxygen away all of the other blatantly in your face reason that are exponentially more import as to why he until to occupy the office of the presidency, to whit:
  • He's an antidemocratic wannabe authoritarian whose goal it is is to end American democracy as we know it.
  • He seeks to access the levers of power by dividing Americans against their fellow Americans.
  • He's a racist POS.
  • He's performatively cruel. With Trump, the cruelty is the point.
To be honest, his metal capacity really has't even diminished that much relative to where it was during his first term. Remember, this is the man who mused if maybe drinking bleach might be an effective public health measure to combat Covid, for Pete's sake!

I think my main objection to this line of argument is that when employed, in isolation at least, to would logically follow that both Biden and Trump are would be equally bad in a holding the office of president in 2024. I mean, you could argue the mental decline was we've witnessed is ballpark the same degree in both candidates.

If you think Biden would make a better POTUS than Trump, then it's likely not based on mental acuity, but rather on something from my list above (or one of the many many other disqualifying factors that I left of that list).

We need to be talking about those things, IMO.
I understand where you are coming from, but dementia can really move the needle in people's perceptions. Being a racist won't change anyone's mind. Being cruel won't change anyone's mind. But start comparing him to someone who reminds you of Uncle Jack who can't remember your name, or whether he left the stove on, and perhaps you start to realize that you don't want someone like Uncle Jack having the nuclear launch codes.

"A super PAC with Republican ties is running digital ads in Michigan promoting the Jewish faith of Kamala Harris’s husband and touting the vice president’s support for Israel in an apparent play to undercut Harris with the battleground state’s large Arab American population amid ongoing political fallout over the war in Gaza.

Future Coalition PAC has spent nearly $60,000 running several YouTube ads targeting Michigan, according to Google’s Ads Transparency Center. Each of the ads emphatically states Harris’ support for Israel, and many pointedly highlight her husband, Doug Emhoff, who is Jewish.

The ads, framed positively and accompanied by stirring music, would appear to be in support of Harris’ presidential bid — but the group behind them and their precise targeting in battleground Michigan suggest a more cynical motive, as they appear aimed at stoking divisions spilling from the ongoing war in Gaza and undercutting Harris’ efforts to patch up the fraying Democratic coalition that includes Arab American and Muslim voters in the Wolverine State. ..."

This is a both sides do it cynical political strategy but they keep doing it because it often succeeds. But when it fails (see Clinton, Hilary, using her treasure trove to prop up Trump's primary bid in 2015 and 2016), it often fails spectacularly.
I understand where you are coming from, but dementia can really move the needle in people's perceptions. Being a racist won't change anyone's mind. Being cruel won't change anyone's mind. But start comparing him to someone who reminds you of Uncle Jack who can't remember your name, or whether he left the stove on, and perhaps you start to realize that you don't want someone like Uncle Jack having the nuclear launch codes.
Sadly, that's a fair point.
He didn’t seem that different to me. I’ve always thought he was a flaming moron.

I’m not letting him off the hook, that’s just what I saw.
fair enough.

the last time i saw / heard him speak for more than a few seconds was the first debate and he seemed significantly worse to me. some of that probably had to do with a much, much more formidable opponent....

but i also think we have to lend some credence to friedman's thoughts in that atlantic piece - he's an expert and he's seen a lot of trump and he really seems to believe there's some rapid deterioration occurring.