2024 Presidential Election | 46 Days to Election Day

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None of us really know what role Usha plays in all this.
Yes, and there's an element of enablement baked in, is there not? None of the overt xenophobia, racism, and misogyny spewing forth from the campaign is surprising, in fact, it was well documented and predictable long before JD became a VP target. Usha is very smart and well connected - I have a difficult time granting benefit-of-the-doubt in an environment filled with near a decade of data. My baked in assumptions are Usha values the power, money, and privilege over the social destruction her husband and his running mate ply upon the nation. I hope I'm wrong.

I hear you re: the Conways. In some respect, for all of trump's known historical awfulness in 2015/2016, there remained the possibility of the presidency "humbling" the man and a mitigation of his impulses by "adults in the room". When those wishes-upon-a-star became painfully implausible the Conways, and millions of others across the country, began reassessing many of their relationships - hell, we have an active thread addressing just this.

Cynicism is a core aspect of my personality with respect to privileged and intelligent people, and it absolutely results in summary judgements; it's not pretty, but it's an energy conservation strategy, for lack of a better term. I only have so much empathy and grace to extend, and my work sucks up most of it.
Yes, and there's an element of enablement baked in, is there not? None of the overt xenophobia, racism, and misogyny spewing forth from the campaign is surprising, in fact, it was well documented and predictable long before JD became a VP target. Usha is very smart and well connected - I have a difficult time granting benefit-of-the-doubt in an environment filled with near a decade of data. My baked in assumptions are Usha values the power, money, and privilege over the social destruction her husband and his running mate ply upon the nation. I hope I'm wrong.
Sure, but remember: they were married before all this. Back in 2016, JD called Trump America's Hitler. He wasn't the monster that he is today, at least not publicly.

So I don't doubt that she likes the power and privilege, but it's also true that she would have had to blow up her marriage. That's not a step that a person takes lightly (especially an Indian woman, from my experience -- my ex-wife got SHIT from her family when she blew up ours). I don't think it would be unreasonable for her to be OK with the 2022 version of him, OK enough not to divorce him. But not only is he much worse, but the trend is line is mind-boggling.

It's also possible that she's fine with all this. Dinesh D'Souza sure is. But I hope she's not and she divorces his ass and then he goes into the manosphere complaining about how women are b***** and the manosphere is like, "GFTOH you weird loser. Nobody wants to hang out with your weird ass" and then eventually JD has to confess his sins.
Sure, but remember: they were married before all this. Back in 2016, JD called Trump America's Hitler. He wasn't the monster that he is today, at least not publicly.

So I don't doubt that she likes the power and privilege, but it's also true that she would have had to blow up her marriage. That's not a step that a person takes lightly (especially an Indian woman, from my experience -- my ex-wife got SHIT from her family when she blew up ours). I don't think it would be unreasonable for her to be OK with the 2022 version of him, OK enough not to divorce him. But not only is he much worse, but the trend is line is mind-boggling.

It's also possible that she's fine with all this. Dinesh D'Souza sure is. But I hope she's not and she divorces his ass and then he goes into the manosphere complaining about how women are b***** and the manosphere is like, "GFTOH you weird loser. Nobody wants to hang out with your weird ass" and then eventually JD has to confess his sins.
Isn’t it more likely she dumps him due to him not reaching their collective ambition, and she’s looking for a better wagon to hitch to? He’ll be severely damaged goods if Trump goes down. But she’ll still be blank slate effectively.

All this to say they’ve likely been well resigned to the dark turns this campaign could take and their commitment to stoking the fires. The power gained justifies it all.

Trump Floats Long-Shot Proposal for 10% Cap on Credit-Card Rates​

Past proposals for higher caps haven’t gained traction​

“… Trump’s proposal comes as more Americans are struggling to pay their credit-card bills. The average interest rate on cards was 21.5% as of May 2024, according to data from the Federal Reserve, around the highest levels in at least a decade.

The average credit-card interest rate hasn’t fallen below 10% in Fed data going back to 1994.

“While working Americans catch up, we’re going to put a temporary cap on credit-card interest rates,” Trump said at the rally in New York. “We can’t let them make 25 and 30 percent.” …”
An alternative way to view Trump’s proposal is that he is advocating cutting off credit to lower income Americans:

“… Borrowers in lower- and middle-income households who carry balances would benefit the most from caps on credit-card charges. But they would also be the first ones banks would stop lending to if Trump’s cap were passed, said David Robertson, publisher of the Nilson Report, an industry publication.

“Wall Street banks would say, how much further risk do I want to bring on given the fact that my revenue is shrinking?” Robertson said. “That’s where the rubber meets the road.” …”

Perhaps something where interest is capped at some level so long as no more credit is open for use? It is tough to make work in the real world, outside perhaps a national 18% consumer credit cap or something like that … I assume the no limits/high limit usury states that profit off of credit card issuers being based there would squawk, as would states rights proponents.
An alternative way to view Trump’s proposal is that he is advocating cutting off credit to lower income Americans:

“… Borrowers in lower- and middle-income households who carry balances would benefit the most from caps on credit-card charges. But they would also be the first ones banks would stop lending to if Trump’s cap were passed, said David Robertson, publisher of the Nilson Report, an industry publication.

“Wall Street banks would say, how much further risk do I want to bring on given the fact that my revenue is shrinking?” Robertson said. “That’s where the rubber meets the road.” …”

Perhaps something where interest is capped at some level so long as no more credit is open for use? It is tough to make work in the real world, outside perhaps a national 18% consumer credit cap or something like that … I assume the no limits/high limit usury states that profit off of credit card issuers being based there would squawk, as would states rights proponents.
Exactly. If cards can’t charge more than 10%, you’ll never be able to get credit unless you make something like $200k. Maybe more.
Credit, as we have this process, is worth a whole 'nother thread. It is a terrible, awful system
I don’t disagree, but that’s not what Trump is saying. He’s proposing a decree that would make much cheaper credit available to far more Americans. Which would be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad thing for the system, as many warts as it may already have at the moment.
I don’t disagree, but that’s not what Trump is saying. He’s proposing a decree that would make much cheaper credit available to far more Americans. Which would be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad thing for the system, as many warts as it may already have at the moment.
100% agree with you.