2024 Presidential Election | 47 Days to Election Day

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I have no issues with what Francis said there. He's the pope, and the Catholic Church has long viewed abortion as murder. Given that, he can't endorse Kamala. Past popes haven't commented on US elections, but Vatican officials and bishops and the like have, and they are always anti-Dem.

Here, Francis is equating Trump's treatment of migrants with the killing of the unborn. That's a huge positive step forward. Francis is basically saying that MAGA is sinful, and not just venially either. He is casting the entire MAGA movement as mortally sinful. I'm not sure we could expect anything else.
Trump, if you take him at his word, is just as “pro abortion” as Kamala. If California wants to allow abortion in the ninth month, Trump’s official position is that he’s fine with it. So Francis either thinks Trump is lying or he’s equivocating between them based on an immaterial distinction. Which is why I say it was tone deaf at best.
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No. Though i'm pretty sure a former occupant was registered Repub. It just makes it more remarkable that he can get so far despite having such an incompetent "circle".
It would a very different and scary world if Trump was just a little more calculating.
Well you’re in luck, because whoever assumes the mantle as Republican POTUS nominee after Trump will be cast as “Trump, but more calculating!” The Dems already tested that out on DeSantis before the DeSantis campaign fell flat on its face.
Trump, if you take him at his word, is just as “pro abortion” as Kamala. If California wants to allow abortion in the ninth month, Trump’s official position is that he’s fine with it. So Francis either thinks Trump is lying or he’s equivocating between them based on an immaterial distinction. Which is why I say it was tone deaf at best.
I have no doubt whatsoever that in private Trump doesn't give a **** about abortion as an issue, and before getting into GOP politics he was likely pro-choice. It wouldn't surprise me at all if he had paid for at least one of his mistresses to have an abortion sometime in the past, like Mark Robinson did with his future wife. Quite literally the only reason he's now pro-life is because he's a Republican and he's no doubt been repeatedly told by his aides that he can't afford to antagonize the party's rabid pro-life base. Except that he's also got enough political sense to know that this is increasingly a losing issue for Republicans, and so he keeps verbally bobbing and weaving - trying to (falsely) convince enough independents that he's really "reasonable" on abortion while still keeping his base happy. It's not going to work, because most of his base simply won't accept anything other than a national abortion ban.
Does anyone actually realistically think Florida is in play? Feels similar to when the GOP felt like Virginia was in play a couple months ago.
Eh, after the Biden debacle, VA might actually have been in play. I don't think he'd have won here, but it would have been way too close. Youngkin is very popular and we (like lots of places) have a ton of blood red rural counties. Florida doesn't seem reasonable, but it went to Obama twice and is 3-3-1 since '96 (I count 2000 as a tie).