2024 Presidential Election | 47 Days to Election Day

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Beating the drum that Harris will tax unrealized capital gains works for Trump in rural America. I spoke to several people last week in NW NC who echoed the thought that taxing unrealized capital gains will cause them to lose their land. All of them said they don't don't like Trump but will vote for him anyway to keep the Dems from taking their land.
They were always going to vote for Trump.
Trump's schizophrenic mind jumped from Chicken Chicken to Chicken Hawk and back. He must never be Commander-in-Chief again.

They were always going to vote for Trump.
Oh, yeah. These are the people who claim every presidential election year that they "might" vote for a Democrat, but in the end always find a reason to stick with the Grand Old Party. Mondale was too liberal, Dukakis was a New England liberal elitist, Bill Clinton was a 60s draft dodging counterculture hippie with an "awful" femnazi wife, Al Gore was a snooty, condescending liberal while Dubya was the kind of guy you could share a beer with, John Kerry lied about his Vietnam record (he didn't) and was a New England elitist, Barack Obama was too liberal and black besides, Hillary was just a horrible woman, and Joe was sort of OK but just too old. These people always vote Republican and likely will until they die.
I don’t know if Youngkin is all that popular . You saw what happened in the last election.
Youngkin is personally popular, although his policy initiatives and Republicans generally are not. He's done well with the sweater vest moderate nonsense for his own personal popularity even if it hasn't translated into legislative wins for him. Thankfully VA doesn't allow consecutive terms, so Spanberger should crush whoever the Republicans trot out there.
Just had a Harris volunteer knock on my door here in the Piedmont Triad of NC. Nice to see. Had a nice chat with her, and told her I voted Pub since 18, but that all changed after Trump. Told her no worries about getting my vote for Harris and Stein and against all enablers of Trump in MAGA party (98% of them.)

Told her I admired and appreciated her work and if she runs into any MAGAts, ignore their rudeness and don't waste another word on them. After 8 years of Trump and still voting for him, they are lost causes, in more ways than one.
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Just had a Harris volunteer knock on my door here in the Piedmont of NC. Nice to see. Had a nice chat with her, and told her I voted Pub since 18, but that all changed after Trump. Told her no worries about getting my vote for Harris and Stein and against all enablers of Trump in MAGA party (98% of them.)

Told her I admired and appreciated her work and if she runs into any MAGAts, ignore their rudeness and don't waste another word on them. After 8 years of Trump and still voting for him, they are lost causes, in more ways than one.
I look forward to the days when you and I are again in political disagreement.

Hopefully one thing we've learned is that neither of us is the other's enemy. I mean that more generally than just the two of us. We've now seen the real enemy.
It appears that Trump and his GQPer lapdogs have refined their campaign strategy by paring down to just two issues...

1 ) Scary black and brown people are taking over our country, bringing misery, and destroying our way of life.

2 ) The election is being rigged to prevent our country from preserving our way of life.

Will that be enough to win the election ? If so, then we will no longer be able to claim that we are a shining city on a hill and a beacon of hope for the world.
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It appears that Trump and his GQPer lapdogs have refined their campaign strategy by paring down to just two issues...

1 ) Scary black and brown people are taking over our country, bringing misery, and destroying our way of life.

2 ) The election is being rigged to prevent our country from preserving our way of life.

Will that be enough to win the election ? If so, then we will no longer be able to claim that we are a shining city on a hill and a beacon of hope for the world.
And a 3rd:

"Pity me because they want to kill me"

“When people ask me…What’s gonna happen if the Flip – Flopping, Laughing Hyena Wins?? I say…write down all the addresses of the people who had her signs in their yards! Sooo…when the Illegal human “Locust” (which she supports!) Need places to live…We’ll already have the addresses of the their New families…who supported their arrival!”
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