As protesters shout, NC Senate Republicans and now House override Cooper veto of powers-stripping bill

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this. but you're far too kind, nothing about tar pal's post was "fair enough" - it was either ignorant or willfully deceptive.

the same people have been doing the gerrymandering all along they just switched parties.
To say nothing of the fact that it has been done previously is not an excuse to continue doing something into the future, especially when it is demonstrated to be wrong.
I think people move here , especially retirees, for the warmer climate and the excellent health care services provided in the Research Triangle, the Triad, and Charlotte.

I don't know the stats, but I would guess that the greatest numbers of folks moving here have been to the blue counties which are locally governed by Democrats.
North Carolina’s fastest growing counties over the last 3-4 years are:
  • Brunswick
  • Pender
  • Franklin
  • Johnson
  • Union
  • Cabarrus
  • Wake
  • Mecklenburg
  • Iredell
Stanley, Harnett, Chatham, Lee, Lincoln, and Onslow are also growing much faster than the state as a whole.

We're seeing the most growth in outer suburbs and retirement (Brunswick County) areas. Those areas are not seeing a bunch of Liberals moving into their neighborhoods and new developments. The retirees in Brunswick, in particular, are virulently anti-tax and pro-Trump.

Migration into North Carolina isn't going to miraculously flip us from red to blue.
You don't like the results of the elections then just strip all the powers from the people that were elected, and make sure it's only from those from the oposition party. How is this constitutional?
Shameful, anti-democratic legislation from NC Congressional Pubs made possible by shameful, anti-democratic Pub gerrymandering permitted by the shameful, anti-democratic Pub majority NC Supreme Court.

Vote these fuckers out.
Voting doesn't matter to the fascist Pubs. This is clear as day now with this move. The real question is how much will it take until people fight back in other ways. I don't want it to come to that but the Pubs and fascist MAGA crowd keep pushing and then they are going to end up crying when people make Jan 6 look like a tea party.
Cotham sure went from Democrat to far right wing
I'm not much at all for conspiracy theories, but I do think there's something to the notion that when she ran as a Democrat for reelection in 2022 she was already secretly planning to switch to the Republican Party, partly because she thought that in NC joining the Republicans was a better political move for her, and because she might well have been having an affair with GOP House Speaker Tim Moore - there were certainly a great many rumors going around to that effect. I just find it difficult to believe that she suddenly decided to switch parties because, as she claimed at the time, some Democrats in the legislature were "mean to her." She's proven herself to be a tough-as-nails politician and we're supposed to believe that story? LOL.
The voters of NC spoke when we elected our governor and attorney general. We knew what those jobs entailed. The legislature then decided to undermine the vote to change the job descriptions of elected officials based solely on their party affiliation. The Berger/Moore legislature has repeatedly voted power out of the hands of the executive and judicial branches and out of the hands of local officials, transferring those powers to themselves creating what some consider the most powerful state legislature in the nation.

The recovery funds from this bill will be transferred from the rainy day fund to a separate fund but cannot be distributed until the legislature determines how it can be spent, so there is no immediate help for western NC. Mecklenburg county cannot hold a referendum to vote an increased sales tax on themselves to fund much needed transportation projects without legislative approval of all the details. Why the fuck should some yahoos from Burgaw or Roxboro get to decide whether Charlotte needs more busses, wider surface streets, or light rail service, especially when they aren’t being asked to pay for it?
The voters of NC spoke when we elected our governor and attorney general. We knew what those jobs entailed. The legislature then decided to undermine the vote to change the job descriptions of elected officials based solely on their party affiliation. The Berger/Moore legislature has repeatedly voted power out of the hands of the executive and judicial branches and out of the hands of local officials, transferring those powers to themselves creating what some consider the most powerful state legislature in the nation.

The recovery funds from this bill will be transferred from the rainy day fund to a separate fund but cannot be distributed until the legislature determines how it can be spent, so there is no immediate help for western NC. Mecklenburg county cannot hold a referendum to vote an increased sales tax on themselves to fund much needed transportation projects without legislative approval of all the details. Why the fuck should some yahoos from Burgaw or Roxboro get to decide whether Charlotte needs more busses, wider surface streets, or light rail service, especially when they aren’t being asked to pay for it?
Because the Pubs want to keep the ignorant rural voters happy.
The voters of NC spoke when we elected our governor and attorney general. We knew what those jobs entailed. The legislature then decided to undermine the vote to change the job descriptions of elected officials based solely on their party affiliation. The Berger/Moore legislature has repeatedly voted power out of the hands of the executive and judicial branches and out of the hands of local officials, transferring those powers to themselves creating what some consider the most powerful state legislature in the nation.

The recovery funds from this bill will be transferred from the rainy day fund to a separate fund but cannot be distributed until the legislature determines how it can be spent, so there is no immediate help for western NC. Mecklenburg county cannot hold a referendum to vote an increased sales tax on themselves to fund much needed transportation projects without legislative approval of all the details. Why the fuck should some yahoos from Burgaw or Roxboro get to decide whether Charlotte needs more busses, wider surface streets, or light rail service, especially when they aren’t being asked to pay for it?
Not to mention the universities being kneecapped by the GA.
Mecklenburg county cannot hold a referendum to vote an increased sales tax on themselves to fund much needed transportation projects without legislative approval of all the details. Why the fuck should some yahoos from Burgaw or Roxboro get to decide whether Charlotte needs more busses, wider surface streets, or light rail service, especially when they aren’t being asked to pay for it?
Because those yahoos simply hate large cities like Charlotte or Raleigh or even Greensboro that are prospering while their little burgs gradually dry up because they no longer offer any decent jobs that don't require a college degree. So they elect guys like Phil Berger to control their heavily gerrymandered, rural-dominated legislature and punish those cities for having jobs and money and for being liberal and filled with lots of the kinds of people they don't like. And the way you punish them is to micromanage them and take their control of things away from them and let red rural or exurban areas dictate to them what they can and cannot do.