Average IQ by state

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Clearly the lower the IQ, the more likely you are to seek warmer weather.

Not sure which state Superiffic lives in, but it is skewed upward. (It's a joke Super, and a compliment).
That chart seems to me to suggest several hypotheses about issues with IQ tests, but the range in all states is average, so not sure there is much more than a margin of error difference in the range of scores notwithstanding the presentation.
That chart seems to me to suggest several hypotheses about issues with IQ tests, but the range in all states is average, so not sure there is much more than a margin of error difference in the range of scores notwithstanding the presentation.
Be interesting to compare with poverty and immigration stats. Off the top of my head, those would be the two groups most likely to be affected by any cultural slant in the tests as well as real disadvantages such as a family history where education was lacking.

One of the supplemental programs for daycare that my wife used to work with put extra focus of kids whose parents had little or no education. She ran across kids that had never owned a book or had anyone read to them.
I suspect that some of that has to do with the fact that, in colder states, you are pretty much trapped inside for several months a year, which is more likely to force you to read by the fireplace.
Be interesting to compare with poverty and immigration stats. Off the top of my head, those would be the two groups most likely to be affected by any cultural slant in the tests as well as real disadvantages such as a family history where education was lacking.

One of the supplemental programs for daycare that my wife used to work with put extra focus of kids whose parents had little or no education. She ran across kids that had never owned a book or had anyone read to them.
I am sure the correlation there is pretty high.
kBe interesting to compare with poverty and immigration stats. Off the top of my head, those would be the two groups most likely to be affected by any cultural slant in the tests as well as real disadvantages such as a family history where education was lacking.

One of the supplemental programs for daycare that my wife used to work with put extra focus of kids whose parents had little or no education. She ran across kids that had never owned a book or had anyone read to them.
Be interesting to compare with poverty and immigration stats. Off the top of my head, those would be the two groups most likely to be affected by any cultural slant in the tests as well as real disadvantages such as a family history where education was lacking.

One of the supplemental programs for daycare that my wife used to work with put extra focus of kids whose parents had little or no education. She ran across kids that had never owned a book or had anyone read to them.
And in most cases even Verbalization trends can make a big difference. Like do parents and other around you talk to you in complete semtences etc. In many families they just do not...............
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Brian White
ScientistAuthor has 12.8K answers and 39.7M answer views1y
IQ tests measure the variances in g, non-g broad ability residuals, and uniqueness (specificity plus measurement error). The sum of these must equal 100%. Psychometric g can be accurately taken as the essence of intelligence. It is not learned, it is determined by your DNA. Specifically, the number of single nucleotide polymorphisms in your DNA that are related to high intelligence determines your IQ. Intelligence is the result of tens of thousands of these SNPs. If you are not familiar with this technology, you might want to read Robert Plomin - Blueprint: How DNA Makes Us Who We Are, Penguin Books Ltd., 2018, ISBN 9780241282076.

Intelligence is determined by the genes we inherit and may be reduced by encounters with the environment (disease, toxins, and head trauma). Nothing has been found that will increase IQ over the level determined by individual DNA.
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Brian White
ScientistAuthor has 12.8K answers and 39.7M answer views1y
IQ tests measure the variances in g, non-g broad ability residuals, and uniqueness (specificity plus measurement error). The sum of these must equal 100%. Psychometric g can be accurately taken as the essence of intelligence. It is not learned, it is determined by your DNA. Specifically, the number of single nucleotide polymorphisms in your DNA that are related to high intelligence determines your IQ. Intelligence is the result of tens of thousands of these SNPs. If you are not familiar with this technology, you might want to read Robert Plomin - Blueprint: How DNA Makes Us Who We Are, Penguin Books Ltd., 2018, ISBN 9780241282076.

Intelligence is determined by the genes we inherit and may be reduced by encounters with the environment (disease, toxins, and head trauma). Nothing has been found that will increase IQ over the level determined by individual DNA.
I am not commenting on your post-but IQ in general
Having a high IQ will enhance your "ceiling" a great deal. But barring a pretty low IG-it does not mean a lot to what most people end up doing. You either learn to excersize/"use" your brain-or you don't
No links lol
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Brian White
ScientistAuthor has 12.8K answers and 39.7M answer views1y
IQ tests measure the variances in g, non-g broad ability residuals, and uniqueness (specificity plus measurement error). The sum of these must equal 100%. Psychometric g can be accurately taken as the essence of intelligence. It is not learned, it is determined by your DNA. Specifically, the number of single nucleotide polymorphisms in your DNA that are related to high intelligence determines your IQ. Intelligence is the result of tens of thousands of these SNPs. If you are not familiar with this technology, you might want to read Robert Plomin - Blueprint: How DNA Makes Us Who We Are, Penguin Books Ltd., 2018, ISBN 9780241282076.

Intelligence is determined by the genes we inherit and may be reduced by encounters with the environment (disease, toxins, and head trauma). Nothing has been found that will increase IQ over the level determined by individual DNA.
Yeah, I believe that The issue is how well the tests actually measure IQ. Imo, reading and cultural referents have an impact on how many of those tests are scored. The presence of intelligence and the expression in ways we measure intelligence aren't the same.
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Brian White
ScientistAuthor has 12.8K answers and 39.7M answer views1y
Specifically, the number of single nucleotide polymorphisms in your DNA that are related to high intelligence determines your IQ.
This guy has no idea what he's talking about. SNPs do not determine function. SNPs are used for ancestry tracking, primarily. Most alleles of a gene vary by considerably more than a single nucleotide. For instance, to take one example I was thinking about last week:

Nearly 1000 cystic fibrosis-causing mutations have been described. The most common mutation, DeltaF508 (ΔF508) primarily known as a processing mutation which results from a deletion (Δ) of three nucleotides which results in a loss of the amino acid phenylalanine (F) at the 508th position on the protein.

As a general rule, trust nothing you read on Quora. It's mostly bullshit offered by idiots like this poseur.
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Brian White
ScientistAuthor has 12.8K answers and 39.7M answer views1y
IQ tests measure the variances in g, non-g broad ability residuals, and uniqueness (specificity plus measurement error). The sum of these must equal 100%. Psychometric g can be accurately taken as the essence of intelligence. It is not learned, it is determined by your DNA. Specifically, the number of single nucleotide polymorphisms in your DNA that are related to high intelligence determines your IQ. Intelligence is the result of tens of thousands of these SNPs. If you are not familiar with this technology, you might want to read Robert Plomin - Blueprint: How DNA Makes Us Who We Are, Penguin Books Ltd., 2018, ISBN 9780241282076.

Intelligence is determined by the genes we inherit and may be reduced by encounters with the environment (disease, toxins, and head trauma). Nothing has been found that will increase IQ over the level determined by individual DNA.
I’m sure a coder from Monroe, LA with a masters in engineering from LA Tech is a foremost expert on the [ahem] genetic foundation of intelligence. Com’on. Just cite Charles Murray and get it over with.

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I knew it! I knew Rhode Islanders were dragging us down in New England. Out RI, Out! ;)
What follows is too big a topic for this thread, or a message board post, but I am going to jump in any way. Some years ago, I think on the regular old ZZL, I created a thread with a number of maps of the U S displaying a variety of social, intellectual, income, health and education deficits in what we can call the Southern states (largely, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina). I posted a number of maps something a bit like the one in the opening post, and attempted to begin a discussion of the nature of the Venn diagram overlap of these problems and how they can be addressed in any broad way. I suggested dealing with income disparity overall as one avenue.

The thread and maps quickly sparked some angry paranoia about "bigotry against the South," and discussing problem-solving went almost no place, and then of course a moderator locked it. I think this was just before the invention of the ZZLP, which was functionally if not fully intentionally, to remove all discussions that reflected negatively on the Republican Party at the time Trump took office in 2017.

This relates deeply to another discussion now going on in another thread about "how we got here" with this nightmarish Republican Party in control, and there is a monumental and causal relationship to what is in my first paragraph.

I am not going to go over the Republican "Southern Strategy" beyond saying it worked, massively, in consolidating the most ignorant and sadly, the most disadvantaged constituency as a fully reliable and emotionally driven voting cohort. An ingrained part of that, two groups are notably galvanized beyond others: Christian fundamentalists and white racists.

The Republican Party has benefited over the last 50 years or more by both manufacturing and consolidating a false but angry paranoia that Christianity is under attack by the founding ideals of our form of government, Church State separation--though they don't and can't realize it in those terms. The rank and file Republicans operate with a delusion that they fight for America's founding ideals in all this, which is as perverse a false, upside down double-think as you could have.

On top of this the Southern Strategy has consolidated Whites who have been enculturated to hate and fear "The Other" in various forms as created for Republican benefit. Jonathan Haidt has identified that the political right has exiled moderates in favor of the loudest and crudest voices that guarantee media coverage, and this is now driven by hatred of people who are different. The rise of social media along with this pushes forward content that is more crazy, but it's been the elected officials in the Republican Party, not the Democratic Party, that advocate and advance the craziness. We saw this in the Presidential debates when Trump in 2016 told the Proud Boys to stand by, the next year said there were good people on the side of racists involved in a riot resulting in murder, and in the 2024 debate when Trump talked of immigrants eating peoples' dogs and cats.

I did not have any clear answers when I made my initial thread on problems in the American South, and I have nothing more now, but identifying the extreme danger of the ignorance and poverty nexus of the region has value as some sort of start.
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Brian White
ScientistAuthor has 12.8K answers and 39.7M answer views1y
IQ tests measure the variances in g, non-g broad ability residuals, and uniqueness (specificity plus measurement error). The sum of these must equal 100%. Psychometric g can be accurately taken as the essence of intelligence. It is not learned, it is determined by your DNA. Specifically, the number of single nucleotide polymorphisms in your DNA that are related to high intelligence determines your IQ. Intelligence is the result of tens of thousands of these SNPs. If you are not familiar with this technology, you might want to read Robert Plomin - Blueprint: How DNA Makes Us Who We Are, Penguin Books Ltd., 2018, ISBN 9780241282076.

Intelligence is determined by the genes we inherit and may be reduced by encounters with the environment (disease, toxins, and head trauma). Nothing has been found that will increase IQ over the level determined by individual DNA.

No it is not correct. Almost no complex trait is as simple as SNP-based variance as described above. This is (or was) a genomic technology streetlight effect.
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Brian White
ScientistAuthor has 12.8K answers and 39.7M answer views1y
IQ tests measure the variances in g, non-g broad ability residuals, and uniqueness (specificity plus measurement error). The sum of these must equal 100%. Psychometric g can be accurately taken as the essence of intelligence. It is not learned, it is determined by your DNA. Specifically, the number of single nucleotide polymorphisms in your DNA that are related to high intelligence determines your IQ. Intelligence is the result of tens of thousands of these SNPs. If you are not familiar with this technology, you might want to read Robert Plomin - Blueprint: How DNA Makes Us Who We Are, Penguin Books Ltd., 2018, ISBN 9780241282076.

Intelligence is determined by the genes we inherit and may be reduced by encounters with the environment (disease, toxins, and head trauma). Nothing has been found that will increase IQ over the level determined by individual DNA.

No it is not correct. Almost no complex trait is as simple as SNP-based variance as described above. This is (or was) a genomic technology streetlight effect.
Thanks for your answer. I was just wondering because I did not believe his conclusions but honestly have not investigated IQ and intelligence testing criteria.
Grossly simplifying perhaps to the point of being wrong...

1) Perhaps because of selective sweeps and limited human generations after those sweeps (500 generations takes you back 10,000 years into pre-agriculture) - human haplotype structures that include high but different frequency SNPs are readily understood by race/ethnicity and can be accurately measured.

2) If you look at a large enough population (including in single cells) you will find rare variations at almost every locus that is not under selective pressure.

3) Generally, SNPs are statistically associated with but not causative of traits even under polygenic models. Mechanistic understanding mostly remains difficult.