Catholic church demands food bank divert funds to pay for victim settlements

Milk and Cookies

Exceptional Member
Real classy Catholic Church. Nothing says objective morality like sexually abusing kids and taking money given to feed the poor to cover it up.

NEW ORLEANS (WVUE) - The Archdiocese of New Orleans has dismissed multiple board members and longtime CEO Natalie Jayroe from Second Harvest Food Bank of South Louisiana after the nonprofit refused to allocate funds toward the church’s sexual abuse bankruptcy claims, according to a news release citing the former chair of the Second Harvest Board.

The release says removals come after months of pressure from the Archdiocese, which sought up to $16 million from the food bank to help resolve victims' claims related to the church’s sexual abuse-related bankruptcy.

According to a press release for one of the former board members, Second Harvest leadership repeatedly rejected the request, arguing that donor funds were exclusively earmarked for addressing food insecurity across 23 parishes.

The Catholic Church has plenty of money. Sell some stolen trinkets from the basement of the Vatican to pay the victims.