Celebrity News and Gossip

Same here. Born in 74 so was old enough to remember all the 80s and enjoy it right when I started school. The music, tv shows, movies, pop culture. It was awesome.
I was born in 1954. My father refused to have a television in our home because he somehow got this crazy idea in his head that it would interfere with his kids doing their homework. We argued that he had the radio when he was growing up and his response was to turn on the radio beside his chair and say, "OK, now do your homework." But both sets of grandparents had a TV, so we just watched at their houses.

But anyway, the great thing about TV cartoons in the late 50's and early 60's was that all the really great cartoons were still fresh and had not yet been turned into cultural memes. When Bugs Bunny sawed off Florida and let it float away, it was funny because I had never seen it before. When Wiley E. Coyote failed to catch the Roadrunner it was funny because I had never seen that particular failure before and it wasn't a cultural meme yet.

Factoid I never knew until very recently: Bugs Bunny chomping on a carrot wasn't because rabbits particularly like carrots, but was based on Clark Gable's character wisecracking while eating a carrot in "It Happened One Night."
Thoughts on Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds moving to Charlotte?

Apparently their kids are going to my kids’ school. Their two oldest are the same age as my kids, but they don’t appear to be in their classrooms. I also just learned that Andy Roddick and Brooklyn Decker’s kids go there as well.
Apparently their kids are going to my kids’ school. Their two oldest are the same age as my kids, but they don’t appear to be in their classrooms. I also just learned that Andy Roddick and Brooklyn Decker’s kids go there as well.
Nice subtle brag on your $40k year old school.
Nice subtle brag on your $40k year old school.

You know what’s funny? I don’t like for my kids to wear gear with the name of the school on it when they’re out and about because I don’t like to go around advertising it. I went to the same school from 8th to 12th grade, and I never wanted anyone to know I went there (and many of friends who went school there felt the same way). It was definitely not cool. Nowadays people seem to love to advertise whatever school their kids go to all over the place, including this one, but I really haven’t changed since my teenage years in terms of not wanting to share that info with everyone. I’m cool with sharing it with my ZZL peeps, however. But it’s definitely nothing to brag about.
Apparently their kids are going to my kids’ school. Their two oldest are the same age as my kids, but they don’t appear to be in their classrooms. I also just learned that Andy Roddick and Brooklyn Decker’s kids go there as well.
We need photos of Brooklyn Decker in yoga pants and similar apparel.
You know what’s funny? I don’t like for my kids to wear gear with the name of the school on it when they’re out and about because I don’t like to go around advertising it. I went to the same school from 8th to 12th grade, and I never wanted anyone to know I went there (and many of friends who went school there felt the same way). It was definitely not cool. Nowadays people seem to love to advertise whatever school their kids go to all over the place, including this one, but I really haven’t changed since my teenage years in terms of not wanting to share that info with everyone. I’m cool with sharing it with my ZZL peeps, however. But it’s definitely nothing to brag about.
You don’t have the sign in your yard? Every other house in Eastover seems to have a Country Day or Latin sign in the yard.
You don’t have the sign in your yard? Every other house in Eastover seems to have a Country Day or Latin sign in the yard.

Definitely not.

It’s funny how things have changed though. I went to Eastover Elementary as a kid back in the 80s. Back in those days, very few who lived in Eastover or Myers Park sent their kids to private school. It was a relatively small handful. Now it’s probably most, including Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively.

In addition, when I was growing up, nobody put signs in their yard advertising where their kids went to school. That’s a fairly recent phenomenon.
Definitely not.

It’s funny how things have changed though. I went to Eastover Elementary as a kid back in the 80s. Back in those days, very few who lived in Eastover or Myers Park sent their kids to private school. It was a relatively small handful. Now it’s probably most, including Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively.

In addition, when I was growing up, nobody put signs in their yard advertising where their kids went to school. That’s a fairly recent phenomenon.
I’ve started seeing yard signs for where kids are going to college. “Bama Bound” and whatnot. Whatever floats your boat, I guess, but that’s crazy to me.
I’ve started seeing yard signs for where kids are going to college. “Bama Bound” and whatnot. Whatever floats your boat, I guess, but that’s crazy to me.

Yeah, and for some reason, it’s the folks with kids going to SEC school who do that the vast majority of time.

I guess the folks with the “Bama Bound” signs are begging for sympathy. I couldn’t imagine having to spend time in Alabama.
Definitely not.

It’s funny how things have changed though. I went to Eastover Elementary as a kid back in the 80s. Back in those days, very few who lived in Eastover or Myers Park sent their kids to private school. It was a relatively small handful. Now it’s probably most, including Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively.

In addition, when I was growing up, nobody put signs in their yard advertising where their kids went to school. That’s a fairly recent phenomenon.

I just went to a little school event over the weekend so that my youngest would meet some of the teachers and administrators at our local public school. They were handing out yard signs at the event, so we took one and put it in the yard. It would not have occurred to me to ever ask for a sign or display it had they not given me one. Same with other school merch. My son gets a t-shirt every year and wears it pretty frequently.