Last October I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. I’m sure I had it for years before that. As result, it was strongly recommended that I use a CPAP, which was no surprise.
The first few nights I tried to use it, it felt like a form of torture. I couldn’t get to sleep with it on. I became seriously depressed at the thought of having to use it for the rest of my life.
After the first three days of trying to use it, I took a one-night break just so I could get some sleep again. But since then I’ve used it almost every night. It’s now not nearly as bad as it was the first couple weeks of using it, but I still hate it and I sort of dread going to bed as a result. I sleep most of the night now, but I have a harder time getting to sleep with the CPAP mask on, and I have a harder time getting back to sleep when I wake up in the middle of the night. (Early on, I would have panic attacks when I woke in the middle of the night and felt the mask strapped on face.)
I didn’t do the sleep study based on anything I felt. Before the sleep study, I always felt like I slept great and felt fine throughout the day. I almost never got tired or drowsy during the day, and if I did (which was rare) there was an easily identifiable reason for it (like having a big night the previous night). I never take naps during the day and never feel the need to. I did the sleep study because my wife didn’t like me snoring and she told me there were times it sounded scary, like I was struggling to breathe. And there have been some rare occasions where I have woken up gasping for air.
But I can’t say the CPAP has made me feel better during the day. In fact, I don’t think I’ve felt quite as good as I used to because I don’t sleep as well with it on. That said, I have felt fine ever since I started sleeping most of night again after using it. But there are some times I’ll wake up without the mask on and realize I took the mask off in my sleep.
I’m curious of anyone else’s experiences with CPAPs. I know some folks say they love them, but those are mostly people who felt like crap during the day before using a CPAP. But any CPAP stories or advice would be appreciated.