DOE launches investigation into Maines compliance with title IX

With any luck he won't assault them like he has other women. Or maybe Musk can show up with all of the kids he's had by different women that he often treats like shit after he leaves them. Calling the GOP the party of protecting women and traditional family values is a total joke and oxymoron.
Should a small and mundane issue like this be taking up the time, energy and money of the POTUS and Congress?

Actually, I think men participating in women sporting events may give them an unfair advantage based on physical attributes alone. But does that mean I think women should not be allowed to participate in men’s sports? For example, should a female not be allowed to place kick for the High School football team? I think they should be allowed. Why not? What say you, Silence DoGood? Ever seen a girl kick field goals for the local high school? I have.

Should a woman be allowed to play football in the NFL if she can make the squad? Should a woman be allowed to play soccer for the men’s team?

But now we have the question of transgender. Should a former woman who has transformed to a man be allowed to wrestled on the men’s team in college? Should a former man who has transformed to a women be allowed to compete in the LPGA?

Personally, I recall the East German women taking so many steroids during the Olympics in 1972, 1976, etc… they looked like men. It was a decided disadvantage for the women who did not take the performance enhancing drugs. It was totally unfair and everybody knew it.

Do we have Paralympics? Yes. Why? The answer is obvious.
Perhaps we should have the Translympics.

I’m not arguing one side or the other. But I’m arguing both sides at the same time.

But at the end of the day, the playing field should be equitable for all involved. No unfair advantaged should be allowed.

After all that is said and done… should this issue be of National importance? Should the POTUS and congress spending time, money and energy on such a small and mundane issue when much larger issues of worldly consequence are at the fore?
Should a small and mundane issue like this be taking up the time, energy and money of the POTUS and Congress?

Actually, I think men participating in women sporting events may give them an unfair advantage based on physical attributes alone. But does that mean I think women should not be allowed to participate in men’s sports? For example, should a female not be allowed to place kick for the High School football team? I think they should be allowed. Why not? What say you, Silence DoGood? Ever seen a girl kick field goals for the local high school? I have.

Should a woman be allowed to play football in the NFL if she can make the squad? Should a woman be allowed to play soccer for the men’s team?

But now we have the question of transgender. Should a former woman who has transformed to a man be allowed to wrestled on the men’s team in college? Should a former man who has transformed to a women be allowed to compete in the LPGA?

Personally, I recall the East German women taking so many steroids during the Olympics in 1972, 1976, etc… they looked like men. It was a decided disadvantage for the women who did not take the performance enhancing drugs. It was totally unfair and everybody knew it.

Do we have Paralympics? Yes. Why? The answer is obvious.
Perhaps we should have the Translympics.

I’m not arguing one side or the other. But I’m arguing both sides at the same time.

But at the end of the day, the playing field should be equitable for all involved. No unfair advantaged should be allowed.

After all that is said and done… should this issue be of National importance? Should the POTUS and congress spending time, money and energy on such a small and mundane issue when much larger issues of worldly consequence are at the fore?
According to the NCAA President in his December 2024 Senate testimony, there are fewer than 10 - 10! - transgender athletes out of 510,000 NCAA athletes. Yet many Trumpers are simply obsessed with this issue, as we can often see on this very board. In North Carolina there are, or were, only 15 transgender athletes competing in high school sports out of over 180,000 high school athletes in this state. It's an absurd issue drummed up by Republicans to make their base believe that transgenders are taking over women's sports and are attacking women in public restrooms and just taking over high schools. And they really believe this shit and become paranoid and vote accordingly, which is exactly what Republicans want. On the scale of important issues it should be way, way down the list, except for many Trumpers it's near the very top.
According to the NCAA President in his December 2024 Senate testimony, there are fewer than 10 - 10! - transgender athletes out of 510,000 NCAA athletes. Yet many Trumpers are simply obsessed with this issue, as we can often see on this very board. In North Carolina there are, or were, only 15 transgender athletes competing in high school sports out of over 180,000 high school athletes in this state. It's an absurd issue drummed up by Republicans to make their base believe that transgenders are taking over women's sports and are attacking women in public restrooms and just taking over high schools. And they really believe this shit and become paranoid and vote accordingly, which is exactly what Republicans want. On the scale of important issues it should be way, way down the list, except for many Trumpers it's near the very top.
And that, ladies and gentlemen is the point. All of this is just smoke and mirrors so that Maga and transphobic assholes can get their rocks off. It is and should be a total non-issue on the world stage of getting shit done in Congress or in the Oval Office.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph… Be silent and do good. Silence Dogood.
In other words, shut the fuck up and go volunteer at the soup kitchen.