DOE launches investigation into Maines compliance with title IX

I know that. But I’m asking you… is it ok with you if a girl is on the high school wrestling team?

And to your question re: trolling… your posts and comments on this message board fit the definition of trolling. But I’ll give you credit on this thread you’ve started. You’ve stuck around to defend your position which is not the M.O. of a typical troll.
I'm ok with it as long as all parties are ok with it.
Thanks for the answer. Finally. Trying to throw you a lifeline here DoGood. I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt… even though I shouldn’t as this issue is a huge nothing burger in the grand scheme of things. It’s a total non-issue that has no bearing on anyone except the 10 or so athletes nationwide.

Now, you’ve gotten your trollish jollies. Is that all you wanted? Your point of trump “coming to the rescue of good women everywhere” is a non sequitur as we all know trump has no honest interest in defending women.

Personally, I don’t think the POTUS and Congress should be spending their time, energy and resources on a 10 cent issue like this, regardless or whether or not “he ran on this issue” during the campaign. This is not good use of their time and money. I think D.O.G.E should intervene.
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Thanks for the answer. Finally. Trying to throw you a lifeline here DoGood. I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt… even though I shouldn’t as this issue is a huge nothing burger in the grand scheme of things. It’s a total non-issue that has no bearing on anyone except the 10 or so athletes natiinwide.

Now, you’ve gotten your trollish jollies. Is that all you wanted? Your point of trump “coming to the rescue of good women everywhere” is a non sequitur as we all know trump has no honest interest in defending women.

Personally, I don’t think the POTUS and Congress should be spending their time, energy and resources on a 10 cent issue like this, regardless or whether or not “he ran on this issue” during the campaign. This is not good use of their time and money. I think D.O.G.E should intervene.
Ok, 🤝
The SAVE Act, H.R. 22, is a direct attack on voting rights, and we must stop it from passing.

This bill would create unnecessary new barriers by forcing voters to show documentary proof of citizenship, such as a passport or birth certificate, just to register to vote and will require faulty voter roll purges that will lead to eligible voters being disenfranchised. It's a bill based on lies about widespread voter fraud and it threatens to block millions of eligible Americans from voting who lack easy access to these records due to financial or systemic barriers.

If passed, the SAVE Act would:
  • Create Barriers for Millions of Voters: Over 21 million Americans lack easy access to the documents this law would require for voter registration.
  • Target Marginalized Communities: Voters of color, naturalized citizens, young and older voters, and individuals with low incomes would face the biggest hurdles.
  • Increase Erroneous Voter Roll Purges: More frequent and erroneous purges of registered voters, even in some cases voters who have been registered and voted for years.
  • Impede Election Administration: This bill imposes significant burdens and costs on state and local election officials—who are already vastly underfunded and understaffed—and imposes criminal and civil liability to their everyday activities.
  • Repeat Past Failures: Kansas implemented a similar law over a decade ago that disenfranchised over 35,000 eligible voters before courts struck it down as unconstitutional.
The SAVE Act, H.R. 22, is a direct attack on voting rights, and we must stop it from passing.

This bill would create unnecessary new barriers by forcing voters to show documentary proof of citizenship, such as a passport or birth certificate, just to register to vote and will require faulty voter roll purges that will lead to eligible voters being disenfranchised. It's a bill based on lies about widespread voter fraud and it threatens to block millions of eligible Americans from voting who lack easy access to these records due to financial or systemic barriers.

If passed, the SAVE Act would:
  • Create Barriers for Millions of Voters: Over 21 million Americans lack easy access to the documents this law would require for voter registration.
  • Target Marginalized Communities: Voters of color, naturalized citizens, young and older voters, and individuals with low incomes would face the biggest hurdles.
  • Increase Erroneous Voter Roll Purges: More frequent and erroneous purges of registered voters, even in some cases voters who have been registered and voted for years.
  • Impede Election Administration: This bill imposes significant burdens and costs on state and local election officials—who are already vastly underfunded and understaffed—and imposes criminal and civil liability to their everyday activities.
  • Repeat Past Failures: Kansas implemented a similar law over a decade ago that disenfranchised over 35,000 eligible voters before courts struck it down as unconstitutional.
Why is it so difficult to get the required documents?
Repeat Past Failures: Kansas implemented a similar law over a decade ago that disenfranchised over 35,000 eligible voters before courts struck it down as unconstitutional.
Doesn't answer my question. But what do you think we can do to ensure illegal immigrants won't vote in future elections?
Doesn't make it right because of the numbers game. Its getting ahead of the issue before it becomes a major problem. Many woman were affected by the unfair competitive advantage. Trump is right, just have to give him credit. No need to make this issue complicated. Biological males should not compete with females.
I think (as I have stated many time before) that the governing body of each league should make its own decision.
I don’t think the government should be involved.
At some point you have to leave the emotion out or straw man arguments. This bill is designed to keep illegal immigrants from voting by providing proof of citizenship.
You would agree that non citizens participating in elections is a bad thing?
Yes. I also think that the numbers of times that the Republicans have been proven to enact laws, purges and other policies that either disenfranchise or make it difficult for legal voters to vote is probably 50 times more common and a more heinous abuse of the system.
At some point you have to leave the emotion out or straw man arguments. This bill is designed to keep illegal immigrants from voting by providing proof of citizenship.
You would agree that non citizens participating in elections is a bad thing?
Yet it requires everyone to provide that proof, not just those you claim it targets.

Sometimes you need to realize the Republican party doesn't want people to vote. They've proven it over and over. The data shows that there is basically no risk from vote fraud, but they continually try to pass legislation that makes it harder to vote, wonder why.
Why is it so difficult to get the required documents?
It takes time and money to procure things like birth certificates and passports. Up to $130 and more...
This is sort of like the old "poll taxes" that racists used to utilize to keep blacks from voting. It's just another form of a poll tax. Note: As stated - It was tried in Kansas recently and struck down as unconstitutional. We'll see how far this new poll tax goes and if the new hard-right wing SCOTUS will strike it down. I have my doubts. Just think... you may get to "own the libs" yet again! All this winning and winning with Trump. You must be giddy, running around with a woody all day.