“… The Terrorgram Collective is at the heart of the
international neo-Nazi accelerationist movement, the most extreme and explicit iteration of white supremacism, which advocates deadly violence and other acts of destruction to hasten the collapse of society so that a whites-only world can be built in its place. The collective produces propaganda — audiobooks, videos and memes — that travels across the web in hopes of inspiring the next Christchurch shooter, who killed 51 Muslims in two mosques; the next El Paso shooter, who killed 22 Hispanic people in a Walmart; the next Pittsburgh shooter, who killed 11 Jews in a synagogue; and the next Buffalo shooter, who killed 10 Black Americans in a grocery store.
The Terrorgram Collective maintains a horrifying hagiology of these shooters, calling them “saints” and sanctifying their likenesses with medieval-style church drawings. Last year, to the alarm of antifascists and counterterror organizations, the collective produced a 24-minute documentary that glorified the murders committed by 105 “saints” over the last 50 years.
The antifascist researchers followed a long trail of digital breadcrumbs to identify Humber, finding that the 33-year-old has been a neo-Nazi since her teenage years, when she became involved in various far-right communities online, many of them related to anime art.
The researchers were able to compile a portrait of a rapidly radicalizing young woman who used various usernames — pretty dictator, the Lolita of the Far Right, Lil’ Lolita, hopelessfangirl, Lil’ Miss Gorehound — to eventually become her latest, most alarming self: Miss Gorehound, the narrator of Terrorgram.
“Guten tag!” begins the bio section of a LiveJournal account called “pretty_dictator,” created in 2003. “I am a fourteen year old National Socialist of full German descent.”
Pretty_dictator’s LiveJournal, the young author declared, was a place for “the personal insights of a fascist dictator in training” and “the story of a white girl with a dream.” The page included “meaningful quotes” from some of the most notorious Nazi-era figures, including Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Hess.
Although hopelessfangirl boasted she had a 4.2 GPA and was
part of a high school rocketry team that won a competition sponsored by NASA, her dreams of attending a prestigious college at 18 years old were apparently dashed when she briefly became homeless. In 2010, police raided her home and arrested her boyfriend for possessing child pornography. (He was later convicted.) And in 2012, Humber was arrested for possession of a controlled substance — methamphetamine — and sentenced to probation and a drug diversion program.
But by 2015, she was back on DeviantArt with a new name: Lil’ Miss Gorehound. “This is my new profile,” she told one of her fans, noting that she used to go by hopelessfangirl. “I’m so glad to be back!” she wrote in another comment. “And glad to be drawing whatever I want again! (for stupid complicated reasons I had to be offline and censored for some years.)”
Lil’ Miss Gorehound posted the same disturbing fare as hopelessfangirl had: Nazi-inspired drawings alongside iterations of “
ero guro,” a Japanese artform that mixes the grotesque and the erotic. Sometimes she blended genres, like in the online comic book she authored that told a gruesome love story about two SS officers — one woman and one man — having blood-soaked sex between bouts of slaughtering prisoners at a Nazi death camp during World War II.
And another time she shared a handwritten letter she allegedly received from a different “saint” — currently incarcerated on federal death row at a maximum-security prison in Terre Haute, Indiana — requesting a piece of original Miss Gorehound art. “If you haven’t started something already, how about a wizard with mean/unfriendly eyebrows ... ” the inmate wrote.
Miss Gorehound fulfilled the prisoner’s request, posting a drawing of a wizard before putting it in the mail. “Finished Dylann’s wizard!” she wrote.
The drawing had purportedly been commissioned by Dylann Roof, the white supremacist who killed nine Black worshippers in a Charleston, South Carolina, church in 2015. (HuffPost has not independently confirmed that Roof wrote the letter Miss Gorehound posted, but the tone and handwriting style appear to match other letters Roof has written from prison which were later
published in the press.)
… She wrote a Christmas card to the Christchurch shooter (“Dear Brenton, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We haven’t forgotten you ... Stay strong brother ... ”) and to Anders Breivik, the white supremacist who killed 77 people in Norway in 2011 (“I’m sure you get many letters from friends around the world, but if you’re interested, I’d love to be your penpal!”). …”