As one who has always considered himself somewhat fiscally conservative and socially moderate (I am no progressive, but an old school Pub non MAGA) -- I strongly disagree with the OP.
I can only speak for myself. But when I say socially moderate or left of center, I mean I supported gay marriage from day 1. I am generally supportive of LQBTQ equal rights, though I do not think trans women should compete in women's sports (though a tiny overall issue compared to the attention.) I support national legalized Marijuana. I am pro choice. I am against and religion in schools or public venues.
If you want to tie that into my more fiscally conservative views, fine. But it is not correct to say that one can not be both. I am not against higher and a fairer tax system. I believe our deficits and debt issues can only be resolved with both higher tax revenues and spending cuts (as Clinton did it.) Where I would disagree with most Dems on fiscal matters is that throwing ever more money at failed and inefficient programs us a disaster. I do not believe that increasing outlets for programs by less if an increase in previous years is an actual cut.
I believe there is tremendous bloat, inefficiences, and corruption in gov. funding projects. I disagree that every funded program should remain in place forever, even if ineffective or no longer needed. I believe politicians and programs should be held to account the same as in the private sector. If you are putting more and more money into a program with declining results, it should be scrapped or re-evaluated. More funding must equal better results and returns.