GOP slouches into the crazy to be born as MAGA ~ GENERAL

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NYT bestseller, many positive reviews, accolades from influential dipwads like John MacArthur...she's not a nobody, that's for sure

I always look for the stiletto beside those type books on their best seller lists signaling bulk buys. An amazing number of those books, especially by Regnery Press, do. That goes back to Nixon's day. I didn't see who published this,though.
I always look for the stiletto beside those type books on their best seller lists signaling bulk buys. An amazing number of those books, especially by Regnery Press, do. That goes back to Nixon's day. I didn't see who published this,though.

Smart, but in this case it looks like she has some strong backers amongst the evangelical right.

I might pirate this book just to see what kind of political/religious slop people are sucking up these days.
The parable ends with Jesus saying, "go and do likewise" or something along those lines.

Kind of hard to square that with the "it's not telling you to be nice to people" line there. Like, literally, Jesus is telling you to do that.
Well, in the new Trump Bible they can just change the wording around to suit their needs. They're good at that kind of thing.
Well, in the new Trump Bible they can just change the wording around to suit their needs. They're good at that kind of thing.
That's just same as it ever was. Revelation wasn't accepted as part of the Bible until over three centuries after the crucifixion of Jesus and some groups still don't fully accept it. Current Evangelicals seem to treat it as more important than the Gospels.
That's just same as it ever was. Revelation wasn't accepted as part of the Bible until over three centuries after the crucifixion of Jesus and some groups still don't fully accept it. Current Evangelicals seem to treat it as more important than the Gospels.
Southern Baptists certainly do - it was one of the most popular topics I heard in church growing up. You'd occasionally hear something about the Sermon on the Mount, but the Rapture and Second Coming and the horrible tortures God would inflict on unbelievers when the Anti-Christ took over were far more popular.

Is this a widespread interpretation of the parable of the Good Samaritan these days? Not how I learned it but admittedly I am not a religious person.

This is not the interpretation that I was taught either. Of course, this was in the late 80s and 90s so I can't speak to modern day teachings. As lawtig said, a lot of Christians nowadays use the imperfect nature of humans to excuse their bad behavior. I've never seen nor heard this applied to the story of the Good Samaritan, however.

On a side note, I haven't been religious for a very long time (if ever really) but I grew up with Ben in the church. Known him since early adolescence, although I haven't seen him since before the pandemic. I'm happy to see him active and speaking out on Bluesky. He's a good dude and Christianity, and our nation as a whole, would be in a much better place if we had more pastors like him. My only criticism is that he's a dookie 😄
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They’ve worked themselves up to the point they’re seeing trans ghosts in the bathroom.

I recently saw a rant on facebook from the wife of an old high school friend. She's not a very pleasant person and is about as far to the right as they come. Her rant was entirely about "liberal idiots" calling people like her a "non-transgendered woman" or a "cisgendered woman", when she is just a "natural born woman" with all the parts "God gave her." It went on for awhile. I do think people often underestimate the numbers of people who won't vote Democratic solely because of their support of LGBTQ issues. There are still large numbers of people who have never accepted gay rights, gay marriage, transgender rights, or anything similar. Which is why I am so concerned about many of those hard-won rights being rolled back in Trump 2.0, despite the posts here saying all will be well.

The bishop’s untethered empathy​

The destructiveness of feminist ideology was on display at the National Prayer Service​

“… In the halting and syrupy tone of a schoolmarm, Bishop Budde concluded her sermonette by pleading with President Trump to “have mercy on the people in our country who are scared now,” singling out gay, lesbian, and transgender children who fear for their lives, as well as illegal immigrants who fear deportation.

Budde’s attempt to “speak truth to power” is a reminder that feminism is a cancer that enables the politics of empathetic manipulation and victimhood that has plagued us in the era of wokeness. And for Christians, it’s a reminder of how destructive the feminist cancer is in the Church.

Feminism’s destructive nature is owing to two basic facts.

First, women are more empathetic than men, a fact that, in its proper place, is a great blessing. God designed women to be life-givers and nurturers, and the feminine ability to intuit and share emotions serves such care and compassion. When a baby is crying or a person is hurting, female empathy enables women to be first responders, moving toward the hurting with comfort and welcome.

But, second, what is a blessing in one place becomes a curse in another.

When it comes to upholding strict standards of justice, empathy is a liability, not an asset. It’s why in certain circumstances involving gross error and high-handed sin, God’s law forbids empathy and pity.

If someone—even a close family member—enticed Israel to commit idolatry and abandon the Lord, God told them that “you shall not yield to him, or listen to him, nor shall your eye pity him, nor shall you spare him” (Deuteronomy 13:6–10). It’s why some of us have taken to warning about “toxic empathy“ and “the sin of empathy.” …”

“… Bishop Budde’s exhortation was a clear example of the man-eating weed of Humanistic Mercy, untethered from what is true and good. And it was enabled by the feminist denial of the complementary design and callings of men and women.

For, while God has designed women to be life-givers, he has designated men as guardians and protectors.

Men are called to set the perimeter, establish boundaries, and build walls and defend them. Therefore, God has given them greater strength and a mindset that draws clear lines and polices them for threats.

And this is true not only of physical threats but spiritual ones as well. The Levites were commissioned as the priestly tribe in Israel because of their willingness to slay their idolatrous brethren after the incident with the golden calf (Exodus 32). Likewise, Phinehas was given a perpetual priesthood for driving a spear through an Israelite who was flagrantly violating the law of God through intermarriage with pagans (Numbers 25).

In both cases, zeal for God’s holiness and the protection of God’s people drove the priests to eschew pity and guard the perimeter.

All of these considerations lie behind the Biblical prohibition on women teaching and exercising authority in the Church (1 Timothy 2:12–13).

Rather than attempting to usurp and undermine masculine authority in God’s household, Paul encourages women to learn in quietness and submission. Elsewhere, he says that “women should keep silent in the churches … for it is shameful for a woman to speak in church.” In context, it’s clear that Paul is not referring to simple conversations after the service but public speech in the assembly, the kind that Bishop(ess) Budde delivered on Tuesday.

Instead, God appoints qualified men to guard the doctrine and worship of the Church for the glory of God and the good of His people. In other words, Budde’s exhortation reminds us that we must reject feminism and all its works and all its ways. …”