Gravity and Light lectures


Esteemed Member
So, I somehow stumbled upon these lectures of relativity, given Frederic Schuller in 2015. They are freaking great lectures...I've watched about half of them so far. If anyone has watched them, or does, please let me know because I'd like to discuss them.

Here's lecture 1:

Light gets "tired" over space-time and red shifts itself. Some of the red shift is artifact and is now unreliable for dating the universe. We have no idea when (and if) the Big Bang was now - maybe 26B years ago. We're back to square 1.
Light gets "tired" over space-time and red shifts itself. Some of the red shift is artifact and is now unreliable for dating the universe. We have no idea when (and if) the Big Bang was now - maybe 26B years ago. We're back to square 1.
I haven't watched the video yet, but "tired light" has been proposed since the 1920s and has never gained traction in the main stream cosmologies since the Big Bang, and definitely since the 1990s when the universal expansion was shown to be accelerating. There are a multitude of confirmations of universal expansion rate. Is there something new here?
Light gets "tired" over space-time and red shifts itself. Some of the red shift is artifact and is now unreliable for dating the universe. We have no idea when (and if) the Big Bang was now - maybe 26B years ago. We're back to square 1.
We nicknamed our compliance guy at work, big bang, because he believes every change is traceable to the beginning of time.