Harris v. Trump Debate Thread | DEBATE DISCUSSION THREAD

Kamala should say "you've made a lot out of a "cognitive test" you took awhile ago. You remember, "man, woman, camera, person." But you can't even remember how to pronounce my name correctly"...
Man, the hyperbole on this thread. In the end, Harris or Trump, it won't matter that much. If it's Trump (which it won't be, I maintain Harris will win with an electoral map similar to Biden's 2020 victory) a Democrat will almost assuredly win in 2028. If it's Harris, a Republican will have a good shot to win in 2028. As I've mentioned previously, if there is a race where I don't like the choices, I am writing in who i want in that office. I'll no longer be forced to vote for bad candidates. I also don't understand so many people getting so angry over politics, people should vote, and should advocate for issues and policies they agree with, but if your candidates lose, no reason for a three year old tantrum, just keep advocating and maybe you'll win next time. The sky is falling crap is so exhausting, it happens every election and in the end, it's all ok. My candidates and policy preferences don't always win and sometimes they do, and that's ok. I am not bothered that there are people out there that do not agree with me politically.
Or a good old fashioned Hi Bob drinking game. Every time Trump says “————“ take a drink . Fill in your own blank. Call your friends over and have blast.
i was thinking Kamala should mention that if anyone is thinking of playing a drinking game every time Trump lies they should probably cancel it. You'll be passed out in the 1st 30 minutes.
It’s insane to me that the future of our country and democracy might be riding on this debate tonight. I think I’m going to be too nervous to watch.
I have no intentions of watching it. I know how I'm voting. It doesn't matter how I feel about the debate. It really doesn't even matter who may or may not by objective metrics win. It's how the public perceive it. I'll find out in the middle of next week when it's been chewed over by the press and pundits. Some people will want and need the help.
Man, the hyperbole on this thread. In the end, Harris or Trump, it won't matter that much. If it's Trump (which it won't be, I maintain Harris will win with an electoral map similar to Biden's 2020 victory) a Democrat will almost assuredly win in 2028. If it's Harris, a Republican will have a good shot to win in 2028. As I've mentioned previously, if there is a race where I don't like the choices, I am writing in who i want in that office. I'll no longer be forced to vote for bad candidates. I also don't understand so many people getting so angry over politics, people should vote, and should advocate for issues and policies they agree with, but if your candidates lose, no reason for a three year old tantrum, just keep advocating and maybe you'll win next time. The sky is falling crap is so exhausting, it happens every election and in the end, it's all ok. My candidates and policy preferences don't always win and sometimes they do, and that's ok. I am not bothered that there are people out there that do not agree with me politically.
This is fine if your issues are general policies like taxes and so forth. But if one side's policies affect the ability of actual human beings from surviving and existing, then its not just "Oh shucks my team didn't win".
Man, the hyperbole on this thread. In the end, Harris or Trump, it won't matter that much. If it's Trump (which it won't be, I maintain Harris will win with an electoral map similar to Biden's 2020 victory) a Democrat will almost assuredly win in 2028. If it's Harris, a Republican will have a good shot to win in 2028. As I've mentioned previously, if there is a race where I don't like the choices, I am writing in who i want in that office. I'll no longer be forced to vote for bad candidates. I also don't understand so many people getting so angry over politics, people should vote, and should advocate for issues and policies they agree with, but if your candidates lose, no reason for a three year old tantrum, just keep advocating and maybe you'll win next time. The sky is falling crap is so exhausting, it happens every election and in the end, it's all ok. My candidates and policy preferences don't always win and sometimes they do, and that's ok. I am not bothered that there are people out there that do not agree with me politically.
I think an over arching point regarding your whole post is related to the people that got mad at Taylor Swift for hugging Brittany Mahomes who Donald Trump thanked for her support recently.

I understand the point you're trying to make that the world will keep going no matter who wins the election but, if Donald Trump wins, it is very possible women will lose the ability to get an abortion in this country. It's very possible people will have family members deported, etc.

Point being, in my opinion, Republicans have gone so far to the right that it's not just ticky tack differences over taxes and what not. This is real life. I don't have any close friends that would vote for Donald Trump. I would be very friendly to a Trump supporter if I ran into them on the street and they asked for directions or whatever. But, to many, you can't hide behind politics is something you shouldn't speak about in public, precisely because it so directly affects peoples lives in a potentially terrible way.
Man, the hyperbole on this thread. In the end, Harris or Trump, it won't matter that much. If it's Trump (which it won't be, I maintain Harris will win with an electoral map similar to Biden's 2020 victory) a Democrat will almost assuredly win in 2028. If it's Harris, a Republican will have a good shot to win in 2028. As I've mentioned previously, if there is a race where I don't like the choices, I am writing in who i want in that office. I'll no longer be forced to vote for bad candidates. I also don't understand so many people getting so angry over politics, people should vote, and should advocate for issues and policies they agree with, but if your candidates lose, no reason for a three year old tantrum, just keep advocating and maybe you'll win next time. The sky is falling crap is so exhausting, it happens every election and in the end, it's all ok. My candidates and policy preferences don't always win and sometimes they do, and that's ok. I am not bothered that there are people out there that do not agree with me politically.
It's only hyperbole if you reject out of hand the risk of a Trump presidency to our Constitutional republic and the security of our allies abroad.

Our military leaders and national security officers who served under Trump take the risk seriously.
91% of Trump's cabinet members take the risk seriously.
Our allies abroad take the risk seriously.

Do you have a compelling reason that we should not take the risk of a Trump presidency seriously ?
It's only hyperbole if you reject out of hand the risk of a Trump presidency to our Constitutional republic and the security of our allies abroad.

Our military leaders and national security officers who served under Trump take the risk seriously.
91% of Trump's cabinet members take the risk seriously.
Our allies abroad take the risk seriously.

Do you have a compelling reason that we should not take the risk of a Trump presidency seriously ?

I'm not voting for Trump. But if he wins, he is probably looking at (if he's lucky) a seat or two margin in the senate and a very thin house majority and a good chance for neither, it's just not the end of the world in my opinion.
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I'm not voting for Trump. But if he wins, he is probably looking at (if he's lucky) a seat or two margin in the senate and a very thina house majority and a good chance for neither, it's just not the end of the world in my opinion.
So you think absolute control of the executive branch coupled with the full support of SCOTUS and a weak legislative branch will provide an adequate check on a Trump presidency ? Seriously ?
Man, the hyperbole on this thread. In the end, Harris or Trump, it won't matter that much. If it's Trump (which it won't be, I maintain Harris will win with an electoral map similar to Biden's 2020 victory) a Democrat will almost assuredly win in 2028. If it's Harris, a Republican will have a good shot to win in 2028. As I've mentioned previously, if there is a race where I don't like the choices, I am writing in who i want in that office. I'll no longer be forced to vote for bad candidates. I also don't understand so many people getting so angry over politics, people should vote, and should advocate for issues and policies they agree with, but if your candidates lose, no reason for a three year old tantrum, just keep advocating and maybe you'll win next time. The sky is falling crap is so exhausting, it happens every election and in the end, it's all ok. My candidates and policy preferences don't always win and sometimes they do, and that's ok. I am not bothered that there are people out there that do not agree with me politically.

This post feels like we time warped back to 2000 and you're talking about Bush vs. Gore, or any other presidential election not involving Trump.
So you think absolute control of the executive branch coupled with the full support of SCOTUS and a weak legislative branch will provide an adequate check on a Trump presidency ? Seriously ?

I disagree that he would have the full support of the Supreme Court. And I do think there will be an adequate check in a Trump presidency. I feel the same about a Harris presidency, would be plenty of checks. I prefer neither but I realize it's going to be one of them. But I can't vote for either in good conscience. But I know people voting for both, and I understand their reasoning.
I’ll confess I did NOT watch the previous debate (to which I’m glad, since it was a horrible debate - from both sides mind you). I only heard about it/read about it. But at the end of the day, something good came out of it if you don’t like Trump and/or are a Democrat. The Harris/Walz ticket is a good thing IMHO. I can’t stand trump (I’m an independent BTW).

So, by not watching, something good happened in the end, at least from my perspective.

Perhaps I shouldn’t watch tonight? Thought being don’t watch, could be another lousy debate (would need to shower afterward) but also because if I, personally didn’t watch again, something good might come out of it for Harris/Walz and bad for Trumpy dumpty. I’m stupidstitious that way.

(Don’t watch 2nd half, Heels come back and win. So next game, don’t watch 2nd half in hopes of similar outcomes.)

Stupid I know….
Man, the hyperbole on this thread. In the end, Harris or Trump, it won't matter that much. If it's Trump (which it won't be, I maintain Harris will win with an electoral map similar to Biden's 2020 victory) a Democrat will almost assuredly win in 2028. If it's Harris, a Republican will have a good shot to win in 2028. As I've mentioned previously, if there is a race where I don't like the choices, I am writing in who i want in that office. I'll no longer be forced to vote for bad candidates. I also don't understand so many people getting so angry over politics, people should vote, and should advocate for issues and policies they agree with, but if your candidates lose, no reason for a three year old tantrum, just keep advocating and maybe you'll win next time. The sky is falling crap is so exhausting, it happens every election and in the end, it's all ok. My candidates and policy preferences don't always win and sometimes they do, and that's ok. I am not bothered that there are people out there that do not agree with me politically.
You really don't see why a narcissistic sociopath like Trump as president is bad? Why the leader of a movement based entirely on racism, bigotry, and Christian nationalism is bad? That the people who support Trump are ok with fascism to get the country they want only for white straight Christian extremists. You really don't think that's a big deal? Seriously, WTF?

And voting for someone else other than Harris is just helping Trump, so go ahead and waste your vote and give the narcissistic sociopath a chance. Thanks.
I disagree that he would have the full support of the Supreme Court. And I do think there will be an adequate check in a Trump presidency. I feel the same about a Harris presidency, would be plenty of checks. I prefer neither but I realize it's going to be one of them. But I can't vote for either in good conscience. But I know people voting for both, and I understand their reasoning.
Can you be more specific? Who would be the checks in a Trump presidency in which Pubs also controlled both houses of Congress and the Supreme Court? I do think there’s a chance infighting among the troglodytes who make up the GOP’s congressional delegation could make everything dysfunctional, but who would stand up to Trump and say no, you cannot exercise the absolute power you desire?
^ "But I can't vote for either in good conscience."

This is what I just can't reconcile intellectually or emotionally. One candidate has made a mockery of the office, stomped on the traditions like the peaceful transfer of power, and is effectively a joke to over half our citizens and most of the world. The other may propose policies you don't agree with.

It is NOT enough to not vote for either. A message needs to be sent to the GOP and to the world that as a country, we reject the kind of "politics" that MAGA has polluted the country with for the last 8 years. A vote AGAINST Trump isn't necessarily the same as a vote for Harris, even if it has the same effect.