Harris v. Trump Debate Thread | DEBATE DISCUSSION THREAD

Watching the debate with my husband was a revelation — he is engaged in politics but so loathes Trump that he actively avoids most of the Trump speeches and social media I consume. I sort of made him let me explain the pet eating back-story ahead of the debate because (a) my husband is the one who first read and got me to read the NYT story on Haitian migrants in Springfield Ohio (before the pet-eating lies) and (b) I thought it HAD to come up somehow tonight, though I didn’t think Trump would dive into it so early or so directly. I more expected a wink and nod reference.

Anyway, to my husband a lot of what I would call standard Trump rally rabbit holes were eye-opening. My husband was laughing repeatedly at how insane Trump sounded and asking what Trump was even talking about.

Hopefully a lot of other normal people who don’t regularly consume Trump’s insanity had a similar experience tonight.
The tension between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris during their first–and likely only–presidential debate Tuesday night was obvious even during commercial breaks, according to pool reporter Sara Cook of CBS News.

Accordingto Cook, as soon as the debate cut to commercial, Trump “turned towards the exit, gave a big sigh through closed lips, and walked off stage without looking at Harris.” Harris, meanwhile, immediately began taking notes. “She wrote continuously for the entire first two minutes of the break, occasionally bringing one hand to her chin or brushing hair behind her ear.” She remained focused on reviewing notes for another minute before taking a sip of water and placing her hands in front of her.

“Trump walked back onstage 30 seconds before the end of break. He did not look at Harris, she did not look at him. Harris made small adjustments to her collar. Both candidates looked straight ahead until the program restarted. Again, no words were spoken.”

In another off-camera moment during a commercial break, “Harris closed her notepad and walked immediately off stage without even glancing at Trump.” Trump, on the other hand, “lingered for about 10 more seconds before slowly making his way off stage.”

Shortly before the end of the commercial break, “Trump re-emerged on stage, wrote one thing down on a slip of paper, and closed his pen.” Cook added that seconds later, “Harris came onto the stage and wrote something down on her notepad. They did not even look at each other. Trump looked forward and adjusted his coat and tie. In the entire commercial break, no words were spoken other than the countdown to air time.”

Geez, Trump out there trying to prove the pet-eating Haitians claim (the one person arrested for killing a cat in the video clip included was an American)
