Harris v. Trump Debate Thread | DEBATE DISCUSSION THREAD

The good news is that Kamala definitively won the debate. I don't think Trump social media whining about the moderators is getting much traction. Now, the question is will it really affect the opinions and votes of any voters? I guess we'll just have to see. It's always difficult to predict what an "undecided" voter would do because people who call themselves "undecided" tend to say absolutely incomprehensible things about what they liked, didn't like, or want to see from a candidate.
the people whom it would affect were always voting for Trump. It might compel a lazy person who would have stayed home to go out and vote for revenge or something, but not enough to move a statistical needle.
Last night it was laugh out loud funny as Trump blustered about the craziest things. An SNL sketch about the debate couldn’t have provided more comedy.

But as I reflect on it today, it’s less funny and much more sad and scary because the race will still be close, there will be millions of Americans who vote for Trump, and he still has a chance to win despite the facts that in front of a national audience last night he screamed about immigrants eating people’s pets, claimed that states run by democrats allow infanticide, touted an endorsement from and praised Victor Orban, got so easily triggered by comments about his rallies that he had to take the bait and focus on that as if it were at all important, called the 2017 incident in Charlottesville (or at least the way he addressed it) “perfection,” denied things he has actually said numerous times and which he has been recorded saying numerous times, randomly threw in that he read his female opponent “puts out,” downplayed both January 6 and his involvement in it then shifted the blame for what happened to Nancy Pelosi (WTF?), called the cop who shot a woman trying to climb through the shattered window of a barricaded door to get to members of Congress a “crazed cop,” incoherently jumped from one idea to another completely unrelated idea over and over again, referred to “run spot run” as four sentences, among many other things (I could go on and on). What is wrong with anyone who can vote for that guy to be POTUS?
So in the Future VP Harris...when Trump says "Now all the people in each State get to vote on abortion......Have some data... Most States including NC don't get to vote....cause the gerrymandered Legislature knows what the outcome would be
Hell I was answering the questions myself as I watched the debate. Just by participating on this board I would have been reasonably prepared to speak on all the issues brought up last night.
Not that this board is the paragon of fair and balanced, but this illustrates the immense difference in the media environment Pubs, including Trump, live in compared to the rest of the world. Anyone paying a reasonable amount of attention knows what the major issues are in this election. Trump, though, lives in a world filled with cat-eating Haitians, a bombed-out Minneapolis, libs killing two month old babies for the fun of it, and innocent J6 protestors being persecuted for no reason. It’s what he talks about at his rallies. It’s what he hears from Fox News and Newsmax. It’s what he reads on Truth Social. It’s certainly what he talks about with Stephen Miller and Laura Loomer. It’s what he thinks is real, and nights like last night show the “normal” world just how far out there he really is. Good riddance. He deserves every ounce of the mockery he’s receiving today.
You don't think there are people who would be greater candidates than Harris on the Democratic side? Do you think she is the best Democrat for the job?
Even if there is a hypothetical better Democratic candidate, Harris is reasonably close to whoever that may be and light years closer to the optimal candidate for her party (or any party) than Trump is. He's the most unqualified candidate in the history of presidential elections, so spare the concern trolling about how Democrats don't have the best candidate they could possibly have.
The first day or two after Biden dropped out, I was a bit concerned about handing Harris the nomination without any sort of primary process. Now, I think the decision was a homerun.

After a shaky run in 2019 I didn’t know how she would run a campaign against Trump, but she’s absolutely crushed it, and done so with a message directed towards all Americans…not just the ones who will vote for her. You know, kind of like a POTUS should.

She’s exceeded every expectation and it’s as excited as I personally have been about anything political since 2008.
the people whom it would affect were always voting for Trump. It might compel a lazy person who would have stayed home to go out and vote for revenge or something, but not enough to move a statistical needle.
Disagree. If someone was hell bent on voting for Trump, the debate didn't change that. Ditto for Harris. But there are plenty of people (Republicans and Independents) who were looking for a reason NOT to vote for Trump. They got that last night. Perfect cover for saying "Well, I would have preferred to vote for Trump, but I don't think he is even remotely qualified to be President, based upon his nonsensical answers".