Harris v. Trump Debate Thread | DEBATE DISCUSSION THREAD

Zero chance. Dems supported the negotiated bill even though it made a number of concessions to which they held their noses because it was the best bill that's been put together in decades. With Trump torpedoing it, if he wins, it won't get the 60 votes needed to get out of the Senate.

Trump isn't going to win, but if he did, you think Republicans wouldn't support it or Democrats wouldn't support the same bill?
Trump isn't going to win, but if he did, you think Republicans wouldn't support it or Democrats wouldn't support the same bill?
I think it’s likely Dems wouldn’t support the bill.

Rs had Ds over a barrel in recent negotiations, due to the makeup of the legislature. It’s why Ds largely signed off on a bill that was a wish-list for Rs and gave little ground to Ds. To get *anything* done, Ds knew they had to kowtow to virtually every R demand.

If Trump wins, the shoe will be on the other foot. Ds in the legislature will be in the drivers seat for negotiations.

Basically, Trump fumbled the Rs best chance to get what they want.

And btw, you’ve still not explained why you think the bill didn’t go far enough and/or what you think could feasibly get passed.

A virtual coin flip on Tuesday determined podium placement and the order of closing statements for Sept. 10, ABC News said. Trump won the coin toss and decided to speak last during closing statements. Harris selected the right podium position on the screen.

I'm sure I've read the reason before but I wonder what the psychology is behind choosing the left or right podium.
I think it’s likely Dems wouldn’t support the bill.

Rs had Ds over a barrel in recent negotiations, due to the makeup of the legislature. It’s why Ds largely signed off on a bill that was a wish-list for Rs and gave little ground to Ds. To get *anything* done, Ds knew they had to kowtow to virtually every R demand.

If Trump wins, the shoe will be on the other foot. Ds in the legislature will be in the drivers seat for negotiations.

Basically, Trump fumbled the Rs best chance to get what they want.

And btw, you’ve still not explained why you think the bill didn’t go far enough and/or what you think could feasibly get passed.

Really, upon more thought, you're probably right. Republicans should have taken it and run with it. What I'd like to see regarding Immigration would have zero chance to make it through. Something is better than nothing.
Really, upon more thought, you're probably right. Republicans should have taken it and run with it. What I'd like to see regarding Immigration would have zero chance to make it through. Something is better than nothing.
So you’d prefer to crash the economy. Cool.

I'm sure I've read the reason before but I wonder what the psychology is behind choosing the left or right podium.
Humans have a deeply ingrained preference for the right over the left.

The last I read on it (~20 years ago now), it's believed to be based in the fact that the majority of folks are right-handed and so we, collectively, tend to put things we value on the right near our dominant hand.

This preference plays out in a lot of functional ways in our day-to-day lives, but it also has a significant impact on us psychologically as we exhibit a strong preference for things that are physically on the right (as we perceive them) when choosing between 2 or more options.
Humans have a deeply ingrained preference for the right over the left.

The last I read on it (~20 years ago now), it's believed to be based in the fact that the majority of folks are right-handed and so we, collectively, tend to put things we value on the right near our dominant hand.

This preference plays out in a lot of functional ways in our day-to-day lives, but it also has a significant impact on us psychologically as we exhibit a strong preference for things that are physically on the right (as we perceive them) when choosing between 2 or more options.
From the vaunted Merriam Webster:

Sinister comes from a Latin word meaning “on the left side, unlucky, inauspicious.” Although it is commonly used today in the sense “evil” (“a sinister cult leader”; “a sinister plot”), it may also suggest an ominous foreshadowing of some unfavorable turn of events (“a sinister omen”).
This is how it entered politics. What etymology had to do with the particular placement of the parties in this case is beyond me. It might well be as you said. Many tools are designed for right handers and ,of course dexterity is self explanatory so the inherent prejudice is real.

Origins in the French Revolution. The terms "left" and "right" first appeared during the French Revolution of 1789 when members of the National Assembly divided into supporters of the Ancien Régime to the president's right and supporters of the revolution to his left.
This is how it entered politics. What etymology had to do with the particular placement of the parties in this case is beyond me. It might well be as you said. Many tools are designed for right handers and ,of course dexterity is self explanatory so the inherent prejudice is real.

Origins in the French Revolution. The terms "left" and "right" first appeared during the French Revolution of 1789 when members of the National Assembly divided into supporters of the Ancien Régime to the president's right and supporters of the revolution to his left.
I’m paraphrasing here, but on All In The Family Edith Bunker asked why conservatives were called the right and liberals the left. Archie replied, “Because conservatives are always right about an issue.”
No, not at all. That isn't what I am saying at all. Beefing up and enforcing immigration laws likely helps the economy.
I’ll let you in on a dirty little secret:

Many states—and many industries—depend upon the labor of undocumented immigrants.

Given your earlier protestations that the bill didn’t go far enough (though you still haven’t specified in what ways), I assume you would want something akin to Trump’s plan for mass roundups and deportations of undocumented immigrants.

If enacted, this plan would create massive havoc across a wide range of industries, and would cause consumer prices to skyrocket.
I’ll let you in on a dirty little secret:

Many states—and many industries—depend upon the labor of undocumented immigrants.

Given your earlier protestations that the bill didn’t go far enough (though you still haven’t specified in what ways), I assume you would want something akin to Trump’s plan for mass roundups and deportations of undocumented immigrants.

If enacted, this plan would create massive havoc across a wide range of industries, and would cause consumer prices to skyrocket.
I had my roof replaced in March. All the men who actually removed the old roof and put on the new one were of Hispanic descent. I don’t know about their immigration status and I don’t really care. A house down the street is getting a new roof now. Same ethnic makeup of the workers installing their roof as did mine. Just assume (1) they are all illegal (and that is representative of most roofing companies ), and (2) trump is elected (God forbid) and he implements his plan to deport millions of illegal immigrants. My question would then be who the fuck is going to install roofs? This is just one example of the difficult and dangerous jobs immigrants to this country do that no one else is willing to do. Go into any distribution center you want and look at the ethnic and racial make up of its workforce. Implementing trumps deportation plan would devastate our economy.
Trump has a new speaking style He thinks he is a philosopher/technocrat combination He is of course neither
I really expect him to suck at the Debate
I had my roof replaced in March. All the men who actually removed the old roof and put on the new one were of Hispanic descent. I don’t know about their immigration status and I don’t really care. A house down the street is getting a new roof now. Same ethnic makeup of the workers installing their roof as did mine. Just assume (1) they are all illegal (and that is representative of most roofing companies ), and (2) trump is elected (God forbid) and he implements his plan to deport millions of illegal immigrants. My question would then be who the fuck is going to install roofs? This is just one example of the difficult and dangerous jobs immigrants to this country do that no one else is willing to do. Go into any distribution center you want and look at the ethnic and racial make up of its workforce. Implementing trumps deportation plan would devastate our economy.
It'll be put-up or shut-up time for all those folks complaining about immigrants taking their jobs. And I highly doubt that Jethro and Billy Bob will be fans of those roofing gigs.
Go to any massive meat processing plant
This is an unappreciated point. I recently read an article about laborers in meat processing. I think it was in the Times. Basically, the meat industry would shrink considerably. one analyst quoted in the piece said the meat industry would basically die. I don't know about that, but meat would become way, way more expensive and way scarcer.