Harris v. Trump Debate Thread | DEBATE DISCUSSION THREAD

Funny, I didn't see him look at her one time... oh, except for when she walked right up to his fat ass and made him shake her hand.
He's not wrong if you substitute the word "issues" for "questions." Trump is like the kid who wants to learn exactly what he needs to get a C in the class and can't imagine why anyone would want the knowledge in addition to the barely passing grade.
They are voting for Donald Trump out of one (or both) of genuine spite or genuine stupidity.
Oh, I don't know, there's also the fact that she's a WOMAN and BLACK (or whatever race she is this week). Those are two good reasons for them to support Mr. Trump, don'tcha think?
To build on this point, I think it's more likely that builders under-build, and they under-build especially for starter homes for some of the reasons you discuss, but other reasons also.

To take your numbers, the universe of potential buyers for the $160K house is likely greater than for the $225K. But the universe of actual buyers might be small, because a lot of people in the market for the $160K home are likely to have poor credit and thus could have trouble getting financing. I would think that sales of starter homes is more sensitive to economic conditions than middle homes, because the types of folks who are buying the middle homes have more stable employment. Doctors do fine in a recession. Manufacturing companies are likely to lay off line workers, and less willing to cut their R&D staff (though wages might fall a little bit). So building the $160K house is riskier than the $225K house. I don't know if the profit per house would change all that much (econ 10 says the profit should be the same), but the risk profile should.

That said, a lot of this discussion is really a set of empirical questions, and hand-waving, intuition and reasoning from first principles are not terribly good ways to answer empirical questions.
New thread yo.
If you owned a small business with a position open and I called you up and said, hey man, I've got a guy who used to do that. He wasn't very good at it and in fact he was fired from that job... and oh BTW, after being fired he got his friends to march down to his former employer and violently attempt to stop it from happening... it was pretty bad, some people even died! And oh by the way, he's an adjudicated sexual deviant and a 34 time convicted felon currently awaiting sentencing. But he's got four years experience.

Would you hire him?
Clearly, you need to lead with the “he’s got 4 years experience.”
Last night was a spanking of epic proportions by Harris. She walked out and made him shake her hand, introduced herself like "this is how you say my name mfer" and then baited him into old man rambles all night.

Only thing missing from last night was her pulling out a bag of popcorn from behind her podium and eating it while Trump was spiraling.
Someone does need to inquire further about this claimed meeting between Putin and Trump after Trump left office, right?

This made me pause in my tracks momentarily last night too. But if I recall correctly, he followed up with something like "when I saw Putin moving troops to the border..." I don't think he's smart enough to cover his tracks in real time. I think it was just a word salad attempt to say "when I saw Putin moving to the border" and "this happened after I left office." Someone please correct me if I'm misremembering what happened.
Was watching it again while working - that moment where he lied, she said it's not true, and he goes "I'm talking now please. if you dont mind. please. does that sound familiar?" It was so disgustingly angry - just soooooo mean.